African American

We felt hope that day. But that hope was the flip side of the terror, anguish, and frustration we had felt every single day before, living in a country that, for centuries, systematically abused many of its people, and then punished those people for trying to regain their humanity. To be black in America is a wild and endless assault on the senses. You can spend every day fighting off your spiritual and intellectual extinction.
For much of my childhood, I lived in a small, mostly white town along Appalachia, in the Rust Belt. By seventh grade, I spent days fighting with kids who called me nigger and nights secretly wishing I was white so that I wouldnt have to. The message arrived early that blackness was, for some reason, something bad, something that made people hate me, something that made people angry. When I was twelve, a white man drove by in a car and threw a milkshake at me as I rode a skateboard. Blackness, I learned, was so hateful that it made adults assault random children. It was as if I had a disease that made other people want to hurt me.

(6,823 posts)heaven05
(18,124 posts)white ignorance, hate and stupidity all wrapped up in those two words white racism. Yet today I saw the death of the democratic experiment this country has always represented. I wore my black armband and mourned the loss of civility, class, grace and most importantly, intelligence in our leaders, especially that fuhrer who is potus now. Everything you mentioned was something I know is true from experience and we will see it again in ever increasing intensity as the racist white potus we now have makes us scapegoats for the problems of lost jobs ect in ameriKKKa that he started to elucidate today. No surrender is my watch word. Fight, resist and never fear any POS that tries to make one feel like they are not equal to the white person. I plan on spitting in their eye. NO MORE NICE.
My only hope is that he fucks things up so bad that his own people will disown this racist pig who is now potus.