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I am flabbergasted, and I dont flabbergast easily.
Its probably because I am a white liberal, but I am amazed at how many of my fellow white liberals are screaming that they are now worried that the election of Donald Trump will embolden white nationalists and other white racists to do unspeakable things to people of color. Someone told me that the other day, and I have since read roughly the same sentiment in several professional left outlets, as well as all over my social media feeds.
Are you kidding me? What country have you been living in?
The election of the real instigator of white racism and nationalism was elected in 2008. Did you not witness the rise of the Tea Party and its overt racism? For eight years, the entire GOP has targeted President Obama and the rank-and-file Republican voters have been shouting about taking our country back for eight solid years. Who do you imagine they wanted to take the country back from?
For eight solid years, there have been regular protests against Obamas mere presence in the White House, and white teabaggers have sported signs like this one in a city with a population that is roughly 60 percent Black:

Call me crazy, but that seems pretty emboldened already. And that sign was at a Tea Party protest in early 2009, while Obama was fixing the Republicans economic mess and trying to give us health insurance. Do you think a white president would ever have to endure a congresscritter yelling at him at the State of the Union? For that matter, isnt declaring racism dead because we elected a Black president a bit of a bold move?
Hey guys, not sure where we go from here. This is worse than Bush. I try to be positive. Many of us, the minorities will not survive.