African American
Related: About this forumRolling Stone exposé:The GOP’s secret scheme begins purge of a million minority voters from voter ro
The Rolling Stone story by journalist and author Greg Palast examines Crosscheck, a Kobach project that Palast calls the culmination of a decade-long Republican effort to disenfranchise voters under the guise of battling voter fraud. The Interstate Voter Registration Crosscheck Program is ostensibly designed to target a virtually nonexistent form of voter fraud. In reality, it helps promote the Right Wing's bogus voter fraud narrative, which in turn provides justification for otherwise unjustifiable laws that restrict voting. In the worst case scenario, Crosscheck could lead to thousands of people, predominantly people of color and young voters, being wrongly purged from voting rolls in advance of Novembers election.
(above is from right wing watch, below is link to greg's site which has a link to his article in RS, they are stealing the election, again)
Rolling Stone exposé: The GOPs secret scheme begins purge
of a million minority voters from voter rolls
Please Read
Direct Link:

(617 posts)But when I read articles like this, I just wish so bad I could latch on to some voting right's project or civil rights nonprofit and just kick the crap out of these threats to civil liberty.
It's disgusting (literally I get nauseated) that the Republicans would rather win like this instead of actually trying to ask themselves why they have to win like that, and make corrections that are actually for the benefit of the country.
Oh well, until that day, it's our duty to be vigilant and ruthless in stamping out these undemocratic actions.
(90,336 posts)Gah! This makes me so angry, you know you can't win, so steal!
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)Winning fairly doesn't even enter into their moral equation. The only thing that matters is pushing their supremacist agenda.
(13,303 posts)and/or bar association. Many have programs for retired attorneys.
(617 posts)Protalker
(418 posts)Is we can choose who and where we give our time to. I work with felons on heroin. I am retired but I give my time because both they and I benefit
Think about it.
(10,479 posts)There was an East Germany and a West Germany for several years. We could easily become the same thing.
(15,262 posts)You could be the boss instead of lead counsel
(138,763 posts)I offered to help counsel in OH some years ago, but was unable to help much.
Repigs are the worst.
(15,111 posts)of feel compelled to do it.
If there is ONE god darned thing the people of this country should not ever accept having it screwed with, it is our franchise.
But, people in this country are so darn fat and distracted (figuratively) that they could almost completely care less.
I live in Pa where our asshole Republicans hammered in a voter ID law when we had Corbett as governor, and this state almost literally could have cared less. There was no mass revolt over it, and no republican lost his seat in the state house or senate over it.
Thankfully, we did have advocacy groups that challenged it in the court and over the course of a few years the courts completely rejected it.
But, it really should not have to come to that.
If the people don't value their vote enough to fight to keep it ...
(34,556 posts)2016 - do people even KNOW to nail bite?
The key component in all of this -
It's being done in the shadows.
No one knows to fight - because they don't know they are at war with an evil element who wishes to 'rule them'.
Now they know.
Hopefully so - but I highly doubt the 24 hour news channels will cover the story.
This needs to be on network news.
(1,950 posts)no_hypocrisy
(50,592 posts)90 days or less before the election.
And get it in writing.
(90,336 posts)Coyotl
(15,262 posts)The Republicans are being very selective in where they are removing voters from the rolls, as in VERY RACIST.
(58,785 posts)solid Democratic constituencies: young, black, Hispanic and Asian-American voters with some of the biggest possible purges underway in Ohio and North Carolina, two crucial swing states with tight Senate races." - from Palast's Rolling Stone article.
There's no doubt today's GOP has very strong white supremacist elements, but it has even stronger money and power elements. THIS scheme very, very focused on winning elections and gaining power. If taking out white conservatives was the way to power, they'd do that.
pandora nm
(63 posts)Why aren't the Dems screaming bloody murder about this??
This article has been posted on DU at least twice that I know of, and the threads just sank.
Tens of thousands of Dems are going to show up to vote in swing states only to find out they have been purged from the voter rolls.
There is also a Palast interview with Thom Hartmann from last week.
(the skype video is bad, but the audio is perfect)
must listen
Granny M
(1,395 posts)If they can cheat in a handful of key swing states we could lose this. I'm sure Clinton will win the popular vote, but it won't matter if they steal enough EC votes.
I really hope the campaign is all over this.
(14,395 posts)On issues surrounding voting...another one is the continued use of proven hackable Republican privately owned, voting machines to decide results.
There should at least be a concerted effort, if this kind of shenanigans can't be stopped, to make a loud public statement by the Democratic leadership to make Americans aware that this is going on and to go make sure you are registered and able to vote in November. And if not, find out why and fix it. And maybe also report the incident.
(34,582 posts)that they think that one day the shoe will be on the other foot, then they can stick it to republicans. Another part of me thinks that they are in on it and don't give a damn, because their owners don't pay them to care
(44,239 posts)bettyellen
(47,209 posts)DURHAM D
(32,886 posts)I will check it out, DURHAM.
pandora nm
(63 posts)Gothmog
(159,752 posts)uponit7771
(92,522 posts)CrispyQ
(39,224 posts)They fear diversity. They want to rule.
(90,336 posts)Thanks CrispyQ.
(148,725 posts)sheshe2
(90,336 posts)I just updated my thread with your link...with credit.
(1,926 posts)And my EXTREME hatred for all, and everything Republican is JUSTIFIED.
Just ask Kathryn Harris, and her 100,000 minority voter purge in Florida in 2000. Palast covered it.
Granny M
(1,395 posts)he uncovered it as Bush was sworn in. If we don't get on top of this now, it could be too late.
Sorry if I sound hysterical. I very nearly am.
(73,529 posts)bush v Gore
bush v Kerry
Brownback's win in Kansas
last year's KY governors race
Scott Walker's recall election in Wisconsin
Rick Scott in FL
the michigan's governor's race
The republicans know that the demographic #s are against them so they have to cheat to
stay in power. Democratic leadership on both the state and national levels know this too.
But "they" can't rig a blow out.
(57,428 posts)The list is frighteningly long.
(73,529 posts)He is still sitting in jail because he called out a stolen election.
(1,249 posts)This has been going on for years, and all anyone in the D side ever does is whine and try to mitigate by getting word out.
Getting the word out won't help with most of those who can be successfully and wrongly purged.
Obviously, it's perfectly legal, so why can't our side do the same? There are doubtless countless republican voters who would fail to respond to targeted mailings.
I'd be happy to help if there are any donors out there to help pay for the effort.
(34,556 posts)Only Republicans are allowed to get away with this.
(31,330 posts)Horrible doesn't even begin to describe it!
(34,556 posts)It would be done in the name of justice.
(90,336 posts)JustAnotherGen
(34,556 posts)That assange IS on the left. Go figure!
BTW - I don't know why - but your post isn't showing up for me on the group page. I don't have you blocked - and I don't have your subject/key words blocked. Thought you would like to know. Hence - why I have the subject line I do.
(90,336 posts)

(34,556 posts)I do my 'subscriptions' list - it's not just you - all posts since about Friday.
Tough for a group host.
(90,336 posts)I can see where that would make your hosting duties difficult. Are the other hosts having problems?
(282 posts)during family movie night. Isn't it odd how the more things change the more they stay the same.
(8,286 posts)Unlike most of the rest of the world there is no national law regulating who may vote, or how they are registered, or how voting districts are determined. Each state sets its own rules about who is eligible to vote, when they must register, what proof is required to register, what methods are used to record and count the vote, how and when the vote is canvassed and certified, what determines the boundaries of a voting district, how and when people may be removed from voting rolls, and what challenges may be made to that system or the vote count.
(96,614 posts)
(8,031 posts)of Hillary e-mail , Hillary death bed , Trump everything stories and still never see this story on any MSM.
(22,021 posts)no matter what. because they are sore losers.
(4,175 posts)I believe Republicans control majority of election boards and such in the towns, counties and states.....
And they are backed by the US Constitution.....
Yeah! Better pay attention.......
(15,262 posts)Not to mention, putting an end to removing actual voters from registration rolls. That in itself is a real problem we can do something about with legal measures and lawsuits too. Plus, criminal indictments against anyone who removes a valid voter without legal cause would sure act as a deterrent.
(92,522 posts)... no doubt the ACLU or one of the big hitter organizations should be going after them.
(90,336 posts)DirkGently
(12,151 posts)Different people with the same or similar names. Mind-boggling, to a Republican.
pandora nm
(63 posts)I'll retype the first paragraph:
"Memorandum of Understanding For Interstate Voter Registration Data Comparison"
"This memorandum of Understanding is made between the chief state election officials respectively of the States of Alaska, Arizona,Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee and Virginia."
Spells out the whole program........
Mc Mike
(9,202 posts)Thanks for finding and posting the info.
pandora nm
(63 posts)WHy would he go along with this?
Mc Mike
(9,202 posts)I'm signed up to be a election protection poll watcher again, here. I've been a poll worker, as a majority inspector of elections in my area quite a few times before, too, so I got to saw things from the inside.
I saw a man from the ACLU being interviewed on some national tv show(Rachel or Joy, can't remember which, sorry), and he said that every voter has a right to a provisional ballot, at minimum. But that option should be a last ditch one, because they threw a ton of those out in past elections. A determined voter can and should follow that provisional ballot up all the way, doggedly, if they get denied a regular ballot.
The League of Women Voters Vote411 site would be a good resource for anyone who is worried they might not be on the eligible voter list, and the 866 OUR VOTE (PFAW, NAACP, etc.) and the 866 MY VOTE 1 (Urban League) numbers should be given to any voter who might need protection, beforehand. In my opinion, it is a key get out the vote mobilizing tool. If you tell people their legal right to vote might be stolen or denied, it makes them more determined to vote. And the more people who are talking about voter protection and voter's rights, the more the bad guys are going to be afraid to steal it. They'll replay in their heads past footage they remember of crooked repug elections officials being perp walked.
Big turnout is key to keeping them from stealing it, but big turnout won't help if there are hours long lines to vote. Big turnouts are only good if the turned out people actually get to vote. Campaigning by giving people those numbers is a way to get them energized, mobilized, and prepared to do something about republican trump rove sproul skulduggery. I'd inform people of Vote411, OURVOTE and MYVOTE1 and tell them to contact all 3 if they have problems.
The Nation magazine was engaged in some voter protection efforts with Color of Change in '12, they just sent me an online article via e-mail on tRump's poll 'watcher' threats:
There are 2 good links in the article, one is about the '82 Consent Decree, forbidding any republican party officials, organizations, or agents or servants of the same, from engaging in any kind of ballot security or ballot integrity efforts, without prior court consent, especially in any areas where racial or ethnic makeup could be considered a reason for the activities. That's nationwide. The '82 consent decree:
The other one is PA specific, because dRump said that he was going to send the police in to watch the polling places in those (dog whistle) areas where people are voting too many times. He wants to send racist rightwing trump supporting cops to watch Black and Hispanic polls. PA Title 25, Sec 3047 specifically states that the uniformed or plainclothes police aren't allowed within 100' of a polling place, unless voting, or called to preserve the peace. In no event are they to prevent any elector from voting or influence or overawe them or restrain their freedom of choice. PA election law against polling place 'policing':
I had a young Black guy at one of my east city polls in 2012 come in and say that the machines were rigged, he had just got an election day phone text info blast that said 'Don't vote straight ticket, only vote for the President, if you vote straight ticket, the vote for the President won't show up.' I told him that in past elections, voting straight ticket HAD in some cases caused an inexplicable absence of the top Democratic candidate, and a bunch of unfunded downballot races wound up having a higher vote total than the well-funded top ticket Dem did. But the way around it was to vote each race one at a time, choosing the candidate from whichever party you like one at a time. It doesn't take a lot of time, even if you have a 5-6 page ballot like we have sometimes. And we have a review screen at the end before you push the final 'vote' button. I reported the sudden (Rove induced, in my opinion) rumor to the higher ups in election protection. The young guy seemed honest and outraged, but the rumor was very sudden and just would have depressed turnout for down ballot races, that the Prez wanted to go Democratic, too.
They're going to try to cheat, suppress, and steal, however they can, because their candidate is such a nauseatingly unappealing and nazified pile of droppings. So we have to be on our toes, like usual.
Mc Mike
(9,202 posts)PA Election Code prohibiting drumpf goons from interfering in elections:
Bigtree's link:
PA Law link in Salon article:
Granny M
(1,395 posts)This should be immediately sent to the Clinton campaign, and to the Attorney General.
Shine a light on this and the cockroaches will scatter.
Mc Mike
(9,202 posts)EV_Ares
(6,587 posts)could not be possible if it was not for the media as well.
You can expect this from the republicans but you did not expect the Dems to be so weak in resistance.
It is time as well for calling out the media on the way they cover Clinton vs. Trump & for stuff like this voter fraud BS.
(7,930 posts)The Memo of Understanding is a real eye opener. They are paranoid about the rolls they are using getting into the hands of the public.
(34,556 posts)I.E. - some sort of 'stop' against that happening.
(30,058 posts)And therefore he was denied their votes.
Spitfire of ATJ
(32,723 posts)SunSeeker
(55,050 posts)ProfessorPlum
(11,436 posts)Just Once, and this bullshit would be over.
But Democrats don't want to win.
(90,336 posts)
"But Democrats don't want to win."
(11,436 posts)Democratic voters most definitely want to win.
But when have Democratic politicians made a peep about voter suppression, gerrymandering, voter ID laws, ACORN, Citizens United . . .
or for that matter, National Voting Holiday or moving election day to a Saturday or mail-in voting or mandatory voting?
Democratic politicians just float blithely along, allowing the census to be hijacked every 10 years to make the House unwinnable for Democrats, allow voting suppression to happen without a peep, allow the worst corruption to be legalized, and never say or do anything about it.
The rest of us are begging for them to wake up and start shouting and FIGHTING.
Black voters are going to save us from Trump this year, thank goodness, but it won't be because the Democratic party is vigorously fighting for their right to vote.
(90,336 posts)JustAnotherGen
(34,556 posts)The clarification makes sense to me - when you see that post from a few years ago.
I've had anxiety about this - and have been 'vocal' about it IRL and here at DU for several years. In 2012 - those of us who had volunteered out in Bucks County PA as out of staters were on alert to assist citizens in PA. I'm noticing the info is on Ohio and North Carolina.
All of a sudden the NC ruling a few weeks ago - did it become obsolete?
And - I think he will never admit it -
But Kasich won't go along to get along and 'give' the election to Trump. He is going to run in 2020.
However, I don't trust these people - I just don't. This is going to take a pugnacious approach. I saw this on MSNBC yesterday morning, at DU - and then that's it.
(90,336 posts)Thanks, Gen.
(2,620 posts)if it cannot stop shit like this.