Race & Ethnicity
Related: About this forumSanctions at the Genius Bar
http://www.nytimes.com/2012/07/12/opinion/why-is-apple-discriminating-against-iranian-americans.html?_r=1&adxnnl=1&emc=eta1&adxnnlx=1342188062-u6YnMTak9aCQsJXE5RkASQDid my best to keep it under four paragraphs but get the relevant information in there. I know we had some posts about this last week in GD - but I think it's better to put this article in Race and Ethnicity. . . Since it appears the company in question has given their employees just enough information on the Sanctions Programs for them to feel comfortable making decisions to sell based on race/color of skin/foreign language spoken.
An isolated episode could be dismissed as the work of one bigoted, or misguided, employee. But there have been other recent reports of Apple employees refusing to sell to customers of Iranian descent.
In Santa Monica, Calif., two friends looking to buy an iPhone were asked whether they were speaking Persian and promptly informed, I am sorry, we dont sell to Persians. In Sacramento, an Iranian-American man looking to buy Apple products for personal use mentioned that he was also thinking about buying an iPod for his nephew in Iran and was told he could not buy anything, even for himself. An Iranian student in Atlanta, and his Iranian-American friend, were not permitted to buy an iPhone after the friend, under questioning, mentioned that the student planned to return to Iran for the summer.
Apple has not been taken over by xenophobes. The discrimination is one result of trying to enforce flawed and haphazard United States export controls against countries, like Iran, that are under sanctions. Retail employees are left to interpret and implement federal policy, and racial profiling results.
I'm employed in Import/Export/Freight Control liason to Homeland Security and Secretary of State for a major wireless carrier.
Do we have posted limitations for our employees? Yep. Basically - don't ship phones/devices to Sanctions program countries. We also have a short list of countries where there are no sanctions - but if we ship to the customer a replacement device there are additional rules that have to be followed and/or it's at the customer's own risk. Two examples:
Italy - you have to include a copy of the customer's passport in the Airway bill. Not our issue as a company - but Italy - their government requires it.
Greece - a few years back we had several reports of our customers having to 'grease palms' at customs in Greece. Ditto Turkey and Belarus and Jamaica and a few others. But again - those are issues that are the domain of those countries - not ours. And certainly not those of a US company.
What is in our power to control? It's in our power to just decide to NOT sell a tablet, ipad or cell phone to someone because they may be of Iranian descent. Or Somali descent. Or maybe they speak Farsi? Or - hell - maybe they speak Italian. Or maybe they are just a black American and an employee has a bee in their bonnet because they are a bigot.
By the way - this is a hot issue for me because my inbox is being blown up with questions from the field on what our approach should be . . . I've canned a quick response that references the internal resource base - but also am making clear - you CANNOT discriminate against people for this. Your job is to sell regardless of race, religion, gender, creed and once the customer leaves the store it is their responsibility.
Can I say anything OTHER than that? Truthfully - as an 'industry' - we have some many reasons to be ashamed of ourselves. But decisions like this at the street level? This just makes us look like shit.

(68,644 posts)...about getting in trouble so err on the side of caution.
I can understand that, even though the laws behind it are wrong.
Nobody wants to be rendered or thrown into prison over selling an iPad.
(34,543 posts)We have a policy that is communicated - that we manage that at the corporate level (OFAC list/Bridger).
Putting a street level employee in a position where they could potentially humiliate a potential High Value customer is a good way to kill your bottom line.
How humiliating for these people.
It reminds me of being in Talladega in 1978 with my mom (she's causasian), and our cousins who live in that area (I'm mixed race - black/white/native) and the hostility of going into a Dairy Queen - the hositility of the employees that is.
This just does NOT sit well with me at all.
(68,644 posts)Humiliating for the Persians, to be sure, but not particularly cool for the Apple employees, whom I believe would ordinarily be happy to assist anybody who comes to them regardless of background, skin color, etc.
(34,543 posts)I don't think the man or woman on the street managing the customer face to face is entirely at fault here - they had a horrible miscommunication from the top down.
DHS really doesn't do the Sanctions Programs though. It comes from the Secretary of State and is basically managed by Customs and US Border Protection. They actually have the Sanctions list (hard sanctions), sanctions programs (high level - example Counter Narcotics Trafficking Sanctions) and then the 'countries' US Border and Protection 'watch out for' whem you export - about 45.
Customs fines/gets the conviction on things of this nature under the umbrella of S.O.S.
Sorry to be clinical . . . I'm just disgusted with our behavior. Again - not at just Apple -but industry wide.
Between the "The Wireless Companies throw their customers under the bus memo" in terms of records and whereabouts without warrants - and this . . .
We are batting zero this month.