Women's World
Related: About this forumLooking ahead to 10 blissful days home alone with only Colt, the new pup, and
the other 4-leggeds (well, to be accurate - the 6 hens only have 12 legs between them)... 😃
Husband is off for a backpack trip with our daughter, and I'm at home to mind the ranch.
Was a time when I might not have felt so unburdened at having a long stretch here alone ..but, due to life's vicissitudes, and having the constant presence of another person since retirement in what has been my domain for so long...the prospect of not having to coordinate meals, energy levels, house cleanliness, sleep schedules, will surely be re-energizing and just the palate cleanser I need!
It's been a helluva year but things are looking up.
Plus, this is my favorite time of year - my favorite seasonal transition. Smoke and heat have subsided, days are shortening, all is calm, all is bright!

(114,020 posts)😉
(24,310 posts)I used to almost panic when my boys would head out for an extended trip. Now I look forward to them having fun and me having some quiet. Mine go to AK for a week after Labor Day. I will have to mind our shop here and there but will not be open for regular business hours. I plan to spend plenty of time puttering in the garden with dogs and chickens in tow.
Ill be wishing you a wonderful week. Enjoy your solitude.
🐶 🐔
(26,244 posts)Well, not chickens + pup quite yet!
No fatalities.. only trauma (he got a little too close to Henny Penny and she had to fake her own death..). He just wanted to play! 😃
Thanks, MM!
Laffy Kat
(16,572 posts)I always liked it when my husband (now ex) left us for a vacay or business trip. We had fun and the house felt more relaxed. I wasn't rushing around trying to get dinner ready by the time he got home from work, etc. I'd get to put the boys in bed with me and we'd fall asleep watching cartoons.
(26,244 posts)*including all who identify
Nurturers of the world!
(23,946 posts)in the hospital for a week with pneumonia. It was HEAVEN !!!
(26,244 posts)
(24,443 posts)We both retired a few years ago, so Mr. Bayard is home all the time. Previously he'd be gone weeks, even a month at a time for work. It was nice and quiet. He has to have the TV on all the time, sometimes going in 2 different rooms, or when he's outside.
He's a lark, I'm an owl. The good thing is, he's up early to feed animals.
I can't wait for fall! We've been getting heat indexes here of 110.
(26,244 posts)My post-COVID symptoms are still hitting me hard. Daily headaches and fatigue. It helps to have one less heartbeat depending on me to decide what's for dinner, what to watch, find the new jar of mayo I just bought...