Related: About this forumAnybody have Medicare Advantage?
$0 premiums advertised.
Looks like a very limited HMO to me.

(10,044 posts)It's a union retirement benefit that pays what Medicare doesn't, but we still pay out-of-pocket for part of some doctor visits.
Instead of checks coming from Medicare to the doctor, they go to Highmark, the outfit that the union benefit is named. Not sure of how it all works, but if I go the doctor's and give them my medicare card, the bill comes back as denied. Everything has to go to Highmark Advantage and they send the bills to Medicare.
There are supplementals from lots of places, AARP, and some that advertise on TV. But ours is free so I don't know which plan is best.
I have been a member of Group Health (Pacific Northwest former co-op) for 28 years, so I got their Medicare Advantage program.
There are, of course, different levels. Since I rarely go to the Doc, I got one with higher co-pays, 20 instead of 15, and lower monthly cost.
So I pay the $104 to Medicare as I'm not old enough for SS right now, and $43/mo for my GH advantage plan.
And I added dental, since I have a lot of work I've been postponing, for an additional $50/mo.
So about $200 for med/dental.
I'm happy with what I have.
(54,273 posts)Tell me more?
No Vested Interest
(5,228 posts)I was simply switched to it a few yrs ago by the retirement system.
As others have noted, the medical office or hospital I have visited sends the plan directly to Humana Advantage, which apparently has an agreement with Medicare.
I don't have co-pays when I first go to the medical office, but will sometimes have what I consider to be a small payment after Humana Advantage has paid its part. I'm saying something like $8, or $20 if it's a larger bill.
I've been very pleased with the Humana Advantage.
It seems I can choose my own physician, for I've never had a problem with that.
Prescriptions, in my state retirement's case, are handled by another company, Express Scripts, which charges ca $4 for generics. I have only one branded prescription, which costs about $74/month.
I've been very happy with Humana Advantage, though I have read that it may not be available next year (2015), under the ACA.
I can't verify that.
(9,099 posts)I went to meeting last fall attended by lots of people already on medicare
One senior advised against medicare advantage because it is insurance companies who are willing to deny coverage for things like normal - she advised aarp medicare
I also picked aarp medicare supplement plan F - covers everything medicare does not cover
She said she originally had the aarp plan but drop and went with medicare advantage and found out it was no good once her husband was sick - they looked at how many visits and considered same problem - I know I am not explaining this well - but she said stay away
No Vested Interest
(5,228 posts)involved, and, as always, the size of the group for whom its intended, as well as the price acceptable to the group being covered., i.e., some want a plan as cheap as possible while others want a plan that will pay a larger amount and for more procedures, etc.
I also understood that Medicare Advantage is more for healthier individuals, in that they may offer exercise programs and health screenings and lectures. I have not taken advantage of those offered with my plan, but one possibility was Silver Sneakers, which is some kind of exercise membership at certain facilities nationwide.
My Humana Advantage plan was just for myself, as my spouse had one from employer before retirement.
(53,544 posts)We have a good MA plan that is top of the line.
(3,865 posts)$0 premium,
must go in network.
I have eye and dental.
so far have not had trouble finding in-network practitioner, but only used it once for eye and once for dental. Had a co-pay of $35.00
the worst thing about it I have experienced is trying to get thru on the phone and trying to get accurate information
Worried senior
(1,328 posts)Medicare supplemental insurance for which we pay approximately 331.00/mo for along with the Part D which is going up quite a bit for 2014 which between premiums, deductibles and co-pays will add another 200.00/mo.
I called AARP for an advantage plan, do not offer one in our area, there are only a few to chose from and while the premiums are lower the out of pocket expenses could really add up. The ones we looked at had a max of 4000.00-5000.00 out of pocket expenses if one of us had a major illness or hospitalization. Also they seem to be more restrictive on medications and the co-pays for those can really add up.
We have pretty much decided to keep our supplement plan, it pays all the co-pays for dr and hospitalizations if they are required.
Would love to be able to get cheaper insurance but at this time it's not possible.
My husband had a great supplement plan from BC back in 2006 but of course they discontinued that since it was low cost and covered very well.
Another thing I hate is that so many of the Med part D plans available in our area all use Wal-Mart as the preferred prescription provider, we hate Wal-Mart and would prefer not to use it.
Not sure yet what we're going to do and the government shut down has caused some possible issues with Medicare.Gov where we have to find the plans available to us.
Would sure hate to be older and in not such great health trying to figure this all out.
question everything
(49,740 posts)It is $16.60 in 2013, and will be $23.80 in 2014. I don't consider this hardship.
Unless your income in 2012 was above a certain level which could increase your payments.
Worried senior
(1,328 posts)went up a great deal this year. After checking everywhere else we settled on the Humana/Walmart plan. Not happy about it but we are not rich people;; SS plus a small pension is what we have to our name so need to do the best we can.
Progressive dog
(7,428 posts)This is my third Advantage plan in barely 3 years on Medicare. You can compare plans that are available to you at Most include part D. Most cost something and the only free ones available to us are not worth it. There are HMOs, PPOs, and even fee for service plans where I live. This year, I'm staying with a regional HMO.