Related: About this forumHusband got letter stating Social Security benefits suspended *Resolved* see below
Last edited Thu Dec 29, 2016, 09:02 PM - Edit history (1)
"because of your work"
We applied for early benefits ( age 64) in Sept. We have received three checks.
He had to stop work in August because he has/had cancer. He has gone through 33 radiation treatments and 3 strong chemo treatments. He had a feeding tube. He has not worked since August.
We have no idea if he will go back to work, but our plan was for him to collect SS and then work part-time. Probably make under the penalty amount, maybe a little more.
All I can figure out is they mistakenly think he was still working.
I filled out the appeal form with a cover letter. I put his boss's phone and his oncologist ( lol who is right next door to the SS office)
Anyone know anything about this process? I can't figure out why we got the letter in the first place or why they decided to suspend.
Thanks for any help.

(138,721 posts)but maybe post more broadly, like Lounge and Health and Personal Finance.
Good luck!
(13,303 posts)Also sounds like you've done the right things. Did they give you a phone # for you to call to check on progress of your appeal?
the letter is on my desk. We just got it today. I will mail it tomorrow.
I do all this kind of stuff for him.
(7,018 posts)an unfavorable answer. He wrote a second time and got a reply from a
different worker, who gave him the exact opposite opinion.
It could be a relatively new worker who doesn't yet know his/her job.
Just keep on writing and explaining until you get a satisfactory answer,
then go there and ask for that particular person, if necessary.
Good luck.
(1,606 posts)Their computers don't seem to communicate very well with each other. I had some problems a couple of years ago -- they had transposed a number in my bank account. Money was returned to SSA. Took forever to get it fixed. I offered to take in my 12 year old grandchild to do the data entry for them. They weren't amused.
(138,721 posts)Fortunately I haven't had any problems with them.
(1,606 posts)OKNancy
(41,832 posts)and I'll avoid the SS office if at all possible. It has a reputation as being crowded and rude workers.
(1,606 posts)hear your number called, they swiftly move along to someone else. Overall, an unpleasant experience.
(2,025 posts)If your husband received any compensation after his last work day, such as unused vacation pay, earned sick pay, or any other income that would be subject to SS tax, and if that payment came in after the date of application for SS benefits, the $ amount would have shown up on SS records and possibly have been construed as compensation for active work.
That's the only explanation I can think of. Please keep us posted as to what you find out! Good luck to both of you!!
(41,832 posts)I do believe he did.
What gets me is that he is entitled to work anyway. I know he will be penalized if it is over the allowed amount, but since he works hourly and his boss like him, he will work with him on the hours.
(2,025 posts)I know they track it over a time period, and for one lady I know she has to stay at no more than 15 hours per week (at Michigan minimum wage - $8.50 hr). I don't know what your husband's allowed amount is or what his work pay rate is, but if the $ amount of the payout was high enough, could it have exceeded to allowed amount for the time period in question?
The suspensions for this are temporary, payments resume after a penalty period, but they cause a hardship at the receiving (or not) end. Hopefully you can get the suspension reversed and receive back pay for the checks missed in the meantime!
(41,832 posts)The date of "retirement" was August 18th but the 600.00 was paid August 29.
He hasn't worked at all since mid August. I wrote on the cover letter that he may go back part-time, but that we will inform....etc.
I also opened the letter and hand wrote on the bottom that " I got vacation pay after the retirement date, I bet that triggered this."
The 2017 wages limit is $16,720 per year. Then the penalty kicks in.
back to the 600.00. I guess the computers may have thought he was going to or was receiving 600.00 per week, which would have put him over the 2016 limits.
(27,430 posts)should make absolutely no difference whatsoever. The only thing that should matter is if his earnings went over the maximum allowable while he was working.
Personally, I prefer to handle things like this in person, but sometimes the local SS simply isn't geared up for these things. Try to get someone on the phone, and keep photocopies of every single piece of paper you send them, and make notes on every phone call.
Hopefully this is just some dumb clerical error and will be quickly resolved.
(30,058 posts)wages was earned at the beginning of the year. I would attempt to contact Congressional members in your state to provide assistance in getting this resolved. I would think after employment has ended the rules would allow a person to stop working ad then start receiving benefits.
(41,832 posts)Thinkingabout
(30,058 posts)and then when it is time to get the benefits we have issues.
question everything
(49,740 posts)to someone in person. You may find someone who can actually help.
In our office you'd have to make an appointment - which I did not realize first time but got the best agent.
Then two years ago they decided to help by phone and so far - fingers crossed - they have.
You can always try your member of congress, even if a rabid RW.
This is what they are supposed to do, help their constituents. Give them bragging rights on how they are there to help..
Good luck
(41,832 posts)1. file an appeal and then wait to see the decision.
It is obvious this is some minor error.
I may call with general questions, but this is for my husband and no way will he talk on the phone.
I have to do everything like this.
(41,832 posts)I decided to call the local TUlsa office. I waited on hold about 15 minutes, then spoke to a very nice young woman.
She said, " I can take care of it for you". Husband got on phone and gave permission for me to handle it....
Then a brief filling her in, and done.
She said we will receive his checks with no interruption.
(153,134 posts)That's wonderful.
I know you must both be very relieved.
You might consider editing your post title to let people they can congratulate you!
question everything
(49,740 posts)PoindexterOglethorpe
(27,430 posts)And thank you for the update.