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(17,257 posts)my father-in-law is a Marine Vet who served in the Vietnam war and he feels the same way.
shithole saying that Russia's military is stronger and better than the USA was indeed a slap in the face to all the service women and men across the USA, past, present and future.
KS Toronado
(20,963 posts)WOW, when did he say that? Sounds like a good one for billboards.
(27,458 posts)Two of my uncles were WWII combat veterans. Uncle Ray was in the Battle of the Bulge. Uncle John joined the Navy the day after Pearl Harbor and served in the Pacific. He had two ships, that he was on, hit. One by a torpedo. One by a Kamikazi. His best friend basically exploded, right next to him. Another uncle was a flight instructor in England. He wasn't in direct combat but part of his duties was to clean out the returned, hit planes of the bodies of those who didn't survive. Some weren't in one piece. Then there's my great uncle who served in WWI. I don't consider any of them to be suckers or losers.
My nephew is an Air Force vet. Definitely not a sucker or a loser. I'm a Navy vet. The only female veteran in the history of my family. I leave it to others to judge my value.
(11,349 posts)SARose
(1,206 posts)One of my brothers also is a Vietnam Vet. He and his wife voted for Trump in 2016. After Jan 6th, he is sitting this election out.
He spit on the Constitution and in my face. You were right.
Still wont vote for Joe Biden. So frustrating.
(14,415 posts)improving the VA, and vets in general, doesn't get through to him?
Glad you have stopped lurking and stepped into the light here at DU. Welcome!
(1,206 posts)Hes kinda stubborn but Im working on him.
Unwind Your Mind
(2,236 posts)My veteran brother is still on the trump train, we dont talk much anymore
I would be thrilled if he said to me what your brother said, so Im happy for you
(1,206 posts)Unwind, I feel your pain. Our family loves Trump. They think he is funny because hes just like he was on the Apprentice! Jaw drop
Why do smart, hard working adults believe this? Dunno
(1,206 posts)I was shocked. Yep I have one former MAGA brother and one that was Libertarian. 🙄
(6,012 posts)someone else will vote for Trump and not have that vote opposed. Staying home and not voting may allow Trump to win, and he would be indirectly supporting that.
(13,538 posts)Its a lost trump vote since he voted for him in the past
(7,003 posts)

(64,855 posts)I tell them that they dishonor their service by supporting him, and they call me a woke leftist p*ssy.
He celebrates their bigotry, praises their ignorance, and validates their persecution fantasies, so all other considerations are incidental.
(3,673 posts)While I have suffered in their midst for standing for peace over the years, they stand with pride behind this person who has done nothing but try his best to break the back of this country. Despicable and disgusting.
Barry Markson
(280 posts)Many men of that era, including myself, did everything possible to dodge and avoid the draft.
I also actively protested the undeclared, immoral, and likely illegal Vietnam war as did Clinton apparently.
I'm unsure if President Biden did or not.
In December 1969, safe from the draft with his high lottery number, Clinton changed his mind about joining the ROTC program and wrote a letter to the director of the ROTC program thanking him "for saving me from the draft" and regretted misleading him by not revealing the extent of his opposition to the war. The letter was leaked by the Pentagon to ABC news early in the 1992 fueled criticism of candidate Clinton's character.
Later in the 1992 campaign, it became known that Clinton's uncle had attempted to get Bill Clinton a Navy Reserve assignment during the Vietnam war. Clinton said he didn't know anything about it to the press on September 3, 1992 but a day later admitted that a former draft board member had informed him of his uncles' attempt several months before.,Officer%20Training%20Corps%20(ROTC).
He got the deferments as an undergraduate at the University of Delaware and later when he was a law student at Syracuse University, graduating in 1968.
Later that year, Bidenlike Donald Trump, who had bone spurs in his heelsreceived a 1-Y classification following a medical exam. Examiners confirmed his history of asthma. The classification meant he could be drafted only in a national emergency.
BTW, a draft classification of 1Y did not preclude enlisting.
They asked me to sign a waiver.
I refused which was my right to do.
(1,206 posts)Me too, Barry! Arrested 3 times in 1968/69 for civil disobedience. My Dad went ballistic. My Dad ran landing craft at Iwo Jima and Okinawa. I was a minor so no record. The second time he bailed me out he told me no more! The third time he bailed me out he said I needed to work in the system and not out of it. I reminded him that I walked the block for Bobby Kennedy and we all know how that turned out. Kent State was a wake up call and I got the message.
(784 posts)I'm not aware that Clinton or Biden ever called our servicemen and women suckers and losers. I did my best to avoid the draft during the Vietnam War but I've never called those who did serve suckers and losers. My brother was a navy pilot who flew bombing missions over Hanoi for six weeks in 1972 and I've never considered him a sucker and loser. He did what he needed to do and I did what I needed to do at the time. And he hates Trump.
(3,570 posts)And fuck Donwald tRump
independent think
(22 posts)Brother was in Thailand serving as support for planes flying into Vietnam during Vietnam War. Joined before being drafted. Brother in law and Uncle in Korea. Uncle at Iwo Jima in WWII. Most Americans have had someone in their family serve. Even Biden. How many in the Trump family have served? Zero. And he has said Any one who has served is stupid. Can any one think of anything that Trump has done that helps others than himself or his family?.
(11,256 posts)the memories of Trump Humpers, all 70+ Million of them have been hit with Dementia and Alzheimers.
Look at 2004, when a bunch of Nam vets, organized and produced the SWIFT BOAT bullshit and put a corrupt hit job on Kerry........
180 degrees from the truth, Kerry was a nam hero, with a purple heart...........The Video was created, and produced by some Uber Rich Republican Oligarch........Then the Republican Media, took it and ran..........
Then look at the pampering "W" received while in the TEXAS GUARD........including a year un-accounted for while he was working for political campaigns......
I suspect that worse will be done on Biden, as 2024 progresses.........The Right Wing has already started painting Biden as not backing the U.S. Military which is far from the truth......and all that Trump has done to go against the U.S. Military will be buried....