Who are the big boys playing the cabal News Game these days
Murdoch owns 39% of Fox Universal - that's a lot
Ted Turner started CNN, now it's Warner Brother Discovery
Who owns MSNBC - NBCUniversal - now a subsidiary of Comcast
ABC is now owned by the Disney Company
And CBS is owned by The Westinghouse Electric Company
Bloomberg is owned by Michael Bloomberg - well of course
and then there's print and radio
The New York Times is owned by the New York Times Company - that's nice
And the Washington Post is owned by Jeff Bezos - old baldie
Sinclair Media owns most political radio stations, it is owned by the Sinclair Broadcast Group
partially founded by Michael Eisner's Tornante Co. and MGM.
Any way it's a small number of people with lots of money all vying for the biggest slice of pie
It's like a group of record producers looking to find out who the cool kids are and turn that
into influencing a whole new generation of listeners to purchase their records.
And pretty soon some of that music all starts to sound like the same old same old
And that's how the World Cabal News Media turns, at least kind of, seeing how it saturates everything.
(I guess we need some kind of rebellion of the cool kids, first how do you define cool - nobody knows but if you could bottle it baby that would be like liquid gold!!!)