Gun Control & RKBA
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(49,445 posts)The way we marinate in these events normalizes them. It used to be that kids were basically ignorant of even the concept of a school shooting, and adults were of course aware of the concept but didn't talk about it.
Now it's everywhere! News media, social media, in person discussions, school drills, etc. It's become normalized. We're into our third complete k-12 generation after Columbine with this normalization.
Schools don't need "active shooter drills" and "fire drills", they need "security drills" and "evacuation drills".
Now Trump-humping nuts and angry bullied kids glory in the carnage and attention these events get and are inspired to do their own.
It's like domestic lone-wolf terrorism, only half the time there's no political component.
(14,559 posts)Or the video games.
Or drugs.
Or religeon.
Or vilent movies.
Or single parents.
Or . . .
NO! It's the fucking guns. Period.
(49,445 posts)Really?
And I'm not blaming any of those things because doing so is stupid.
People aren't committing mass shootings because they touched an AR-15 and were possessed by a demon.
They're deciding to commit mass murder... Why?
And let's not forget that, thanks to your side's constant hysteria over the existence of AR-15s, that particular rifle has been a best seller for decades. Gun makers only advertise in gun stores, in gun magazines, and on a few niche TV shows and YouTube channels. Your side shoved them into the mainstream spotlight!
(37,549 posts)He said if he lived in the city limits, he would have to keep the dog in a kennel and carry
extra liability insurance. Why can't gun owners be required to store their guns safely and
carry extra liability insurance. If your kid takes your gun and shoots up a school, you better damn
well have a gun safe or trigger locks and insurance or be charged with manslaughter.