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Related: About this forumPot Could Save Your Life: 4 Ways Cannabis is Good for Your Brain
Pot Could Save Your Life: 4 Ways Cannabis is Good for Your BrainIt's not just about getting high--cannabis could save your life.
By Dana Larsen * AlterNet * February 10, 2015
Modern research is showing that cannabis extracts protect and benefit the human brain. Here’s four amazing ways scientists are showing that cannabis actually helps to keep your brain safe from disease, dementia and even death!
#4 – Cannabis promotes new brain cell growth
Government scare campaigns often claim that cannabis kills brain cells, but now we are learning the truth. Those discredited studies were done in the 70s, by strapping a gas mask onto a monkey and pumping in hundreds of joints worth of smoke. The monkeys suffered from lack of oxygen, and that’s why their brain cells died. (snip)
#3 – Cannabis prevents Alzheimer’s
About 5 millions Americans suffer from Alzheimer’s. but there’s hope in sight. Modern research shows that using cannabis helps prevent the incidence of Alzheimer’s and dementia by cleaning away beta-amyloid “brain plaque.”
#2 – Cannabis prevents brain damage after strokes and trauma
Several recent studies have found that cannabinoids protect the brain from permanent damage after trauma or stroke.
#1 – Cannabis extracts treat brain cancer
One exciting use of cannabinoids is in the treatment of cancer. Repeated laboratory and animal studies have shown that cannabinoids kill cancer cells and shrink tumours, while helping to protect normal cells.

(20,885 posts)
(138,760 posts)
(3,194 posts)Although I'm just someone who likes to use it for relaxation as well as focusing and clearing my head, it always amazes me when I hear that there is a chance that marijuana can help with a horrible condition such as Alzheimer's or cancer.
I wonder if in 20 years, as a society, we'll look back and say that many, many lives were helped and/or saved due to the consumption in one form or another, of marijuana.
(45,358 posts)When Federal legalization frees them to talk about the obvious health benefits without the fear of being thrown in prison.
Until then, the stereotyping and reefer madness will continue.
(6,323 posts)Around 11 or 12 I was losing my grip on reality because of an abusive home life, ever since I could walk. Reality at the house was anything my country fuck of an ignorant republican step father would say. He actually thought basic training was the way to rear children, of course except his own blood children. So I was the main focus of hell for years.
I remember how my first toke swept away all the physical and mental stress instantly. I also was able to get my bearings straight and realize my step father was a giant abusive asshole plain and simple.
It saved me when I had no one or where to go, and when reality blurred and my head was spinning, it grounded me.
Of course I don't smoke as much as before but when my PTSD flares up, my first action is to take a nice big toke.
Peace to everyone who smokes weed!
I can empathize.
(6,323 posts)I hope you didn't have to go through something like this. I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. Peace to you my friend.
(28,292 posts)Sadly, I did go through something similar but not as traumatic that put me on the edge of taking my life (had my stomach pumped). I sought help and therapy, but all the anti-depressants and tranquilizers could not approach the relief, calmness, and understanding I gained from using cannabis. That was decades ago and I use extremely little now that life is much better.
Glad to hear you're better too. More...
mountain grammy
(27,583 posts)from Colorado, where, at long last, we're finally legal!
(6,323 posts)Sounds like the laws are a bit easier there than here in Washington. But we always make do, don't we.
mountain grammy
(27,583 posts)I love that we're legal to grow our own, 6 plants per adult in the household. Plenty for us, including edibles.
(6,323 posts)You mean the general public can just grow their own if they want? I think we might be moving in the near future.
Kidding, we'll get there.
mountain grammy
(27,583 posts)Our conservative mayor of our little town is worried to death about the evil weed. She asked the planning board to look into regulations for private people growing. It went nowhere, just like her next election. But the town council did immediately, upon the passage of legalization, passed a law banning any pot shops in town. The next town over has gone to measures like annexing property to stop pot shops, so not everyone's on board.
The closest dispensary is about 30 miles. It was medical only, but is now recreational only. Two new ones are on track to open this year. One will have an educational center, a commercial kitchen, and will conduct tours of the growing facilities.
Some in Colorado are getting rich from something that people are still sitting in jail for possessing. It's insane.
(6,323 posts)That's so awesome!
of course except for the last sentence.
mountain grammy
(27,583 posts)Big time prohibition. All his family are right wing Republican conservative Christians. All four of our nephews smoke pot. One was a stupid, crazy drunk, certain to eventually kill someone. He gave up alcohol, took up pot and his life's been on an even keel ever since. The boys are still pretty right wing, but there are cracks in the armor. I know they're a lot less racist than their parents and grandparents. Inch by inch, joint by joint.
(27,137 posts)
Eat hemp.
Smoke hemp.
Drink hemp.
Get it in you,
whatever it takes.....

(19,326 posts)This is an absolutely awesome set of charts and such. Thank you.
(85,386 posts)Great to know! Thanks for posting this, 99th_Monkey! More ammunition for the cause!