Civil Liberties
Related: About this forumThe Danger of License Plate Readers in Post-Roe America
SINCE THE UNITED States Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade last month, Americas extensive surveillance state could soon be turned against those seeking abortions or providing abortion care.
Currently, nine states have almost entirely banned abortion, and more are expected to follow suit. Many Republican lawmakers in these states are discussing the possibility of preventing people from traveling across state lines to obtain an abortion. If such plans are enacted and withstand legal scrutiny, one of the key technologies that could be deployed to track people trying to cross state lines is automated license plate readers (ALPRs). Theyre employed heavily by police forces across the US, but theyre also used by private actors.
ALPRs are cameras that are mounted on street poles, overpasses, and elsewhere that can identify and capture license plate numbers on passing cars for the purpose of issuing speeding tickets and tolls, locating stolen cars, and more. State and local police maintain databases of captured license plates and frequently use those databases in criminal investigations.
The police have access to not only license plate data collected by their own ALPRs but also data gathered by private companies. Firms like Flock Safety and Motorola Solutions have their own networks of ALPRs that are mounted to the vehicles of private companies and organizations they work with, such as car repossession outfits. Flock, for instance, claims its collecting license plate data in roughly 1,500 cities and can capture data from over a billion vehicles every month.

(10,212 posts)"Thanks to the passage of Texas Senate Bill 8 (SB 8), he says anti-abortion groups could use license plate data in litigation against whole swaths of people. That law allows anyone in the US to sue abortion providers, anyone who aids or abets someone seeking an abortion after a fetal heartbeat is detected (typically around six weeks)or anyone with intent to help someone receive an illegal abortion in the state. Anti-abortion groups have also been known to write down peoples license plate numbers at abortion clinics over the years, Maass notes, so they may even have a database of license plate numbers already available to them that they could search through."
(18,630 posts)IIRC, Enemy of the State - Carla Dean, Esq.