Related: About this forumA story to share for all parents.
If you haven't been throgh this yet, don't worry, you will; you WILL.
My son is an great kid. He's 12 & 1/2 and looks like a young Denzel Washington. Last Saturday he went on his first date. He and a girl his age who've been both friends and foes since 2nd grade went to see "Taken 2" and then to Barnes & Noble for cheesecake. I'd seen the young woman at school and the library a number of times, but I only just actually met her when we picked her up to go so I could take them to the movie. She's a very pretty and very intelligent young woman and I was very impressed with her.
I stood in line with them just in case I had to tell the ticket seller that the girl's parents, as well as my wife and I approved of them seeing a PG13 movie. After that I didn't see them until my wife and I met them at B&N.
As with any parent, I'm proud of the new advances my son makes and I'm also heartbroken by what's being left behind. I'm proud of how my son followed every single rule we teach him about respect for women and how to act on a date and about just being himself. We also miss the baby, toddler and little kid as we a the young man developing in their place.
Don't get me wrong. At 12, there are still more times than not that I just want to knock him through the floor, especially when he just drops things at his ass when he could have just as easily put them where they belong 8 inches away. Still in all, my wife and I are proud of him and very happy that his first date was a success. I know that they want to do it again soon.
I just thought i'd share this with my fellow parents in the DU community. As I said at the beginning, if you haven't gone through this yet, you will!
That's my 2 cents and quite possibly overpriced at that.

(16,232 posts)(I'd still watch him like a hawk, though! It's not him I wouldn't trust, it'd be the girls.
Of course, with my daughter - her I trusted, it was the boys.
I guess you could say - I trust my own kids, just not anyone elses!
(10,237 posts)Thanks.