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Influence of a Transparent and Edible Coating of Encapsulated
Cannabidiol Nanoparticles on the Quality and Shelf Life of
ABSTRACT: Cannabidiol (CBD) has been shown to have antioxidant
and antibacterial effects. The investigation into CBDs potential as an
antioxidant and antibacterial agent, meanwhile, is still in its initial stages.
The study goals were to prepare encapsulated cannabidiol isolate
(eCBDi), evaluate the effect of eCBDi edible active coatings on the
physicochemical properties of strawberries, and determine whether CBD
and sodium alginate coatings could be used as a postharvest treatment to
promote antioxidation and antimicrobial activity and prolong the
strawberry shelf life. A well-designed edible coating on the strawberry
surface was achieved using eCBDi nanoparticles in combination with a
sodium alginate polysaccharide-based solution. Strawberries were
examined for their visual appearance and quality parameters. In the
results, a significantly delayed deterioration was observed in terms of
weight loss, total acidity, pH, microbial activity, and antioxidant activity
for coated strawberries compared to the control. This study demonstrates the capability of eCBDi nanoparticles as an efficient active
food coating agent. (snip)
In this work, these studies establish for the first time that
encapsulated CBD isolate nanoparticles and sodium alginate
yield an edible suspension with an optically transparent coated
layer that could be used to enhance the shelf life of
strawberries by lowering the microbial counts and maintaining
the physical quality of fruits. The eCBDi nanoparticles
incorporated with a sodium alginate polysaccharide-based
solution yielded a desirable and optically clear coated layer on
the strawberry surface. The nanoscale fabrication of an eCBDi
nanoparticle was successfully achieved. The prepared eCBDi
with a CBDi
LGA ratio of 20:100 (20-Mps) showed the best
morphological properties among other concentrations. Remarkably, the strawberry coated with 0.5% w/v eCBDi solution (eCBDi-0.5) exhibited high stability in antioxidation
activity and high antimicrobial activity, leading to the most
prolonged quality and shelf life of strawberries. Consequently,
the development of an eCBDi edible coating based on sodium
alginate could be extremely beneficial to those involved in fruit
active coating in order to achieve a transparent optical
appearance for strawberry-coated layers for active packaging