Related: About this forumAnother WWII mystery - Eleanor Bradley Harris
A while back, I happened to see a picture of Eleanor Roosevelt on the Internet and recalled that when I was 10, I asked my dad if I was named after her. I said I hoped I was. He told me that no, I was named after another Eleanor, a wonderful Army nurse in India named Eleanor Bradley who'd helped my mother bring me into the world. Later, when I found out I had two moms, I learned that my second mother, Mary, who was also in India then (ARC), was friends with Eleanor Bradley. She called her "Brad."
The *Nurses of CBI (China Burma India) Theater WWII* webpage says Eleanor Bradley later married and became Eleanor Bradley Harris.
159th Station Hospital Karachi, India (Sindh Desert)
My first mother, Kate ("Kitty" ), who died when I was two weeks old, was Anglo-Indian. My dad said I was given my nurse Eleanor's name - and my mother Kitty's eyes.
From time to time, I search the Internet for pre- and post-war information on Eleanor Bradley Harris, but I've had no luck so far.

(3,585 posts)frogmarch
(12,241 posts)Thanks for the link!
(3,585 posts)frogmarch
(12,241 posts)made a post there. So, I think I'm who you mean.
(3,585 posts)frogmarch
(12,241 posts)It was the 159th Station Hospital when I was born there and was redesignated the 181st General Hospital. (I wanted to keep my YT post short.)
(3,585 posts)for video or photos of my dad in WWII stuff related to his ship, it would be moving to find something like you did.
(12,241 posts)you find pictures and videos of your dad.
I don't recall how I happened onto the video, but when I lost the link to it I had trouble finding the video again until I remembered "home movie" or something like that was in the title. Searches can be tricky, I've found, so I just keep on keepin' on and sometimes I hit the jackpot. I hope you do too!
(15,121 posts)Eleanor May Bradley Harris
b. 11 Jun 1920 Wilmington, DE
Father John Simpson Bradley
Mother Mabel Rebecca Fleetwood
Spouse James Joseph Harris
Died 10 Jun 1996 Muskogee OK
I can't guarantee it's her, but there was a pic on the record that looks like her. Hope this helps!
(12,241 posts)Thank you! I guess I will go ahead now and join Ancestry so I can have a look-see.
Thanks again.
(15,121 posts)frogmarch
(12,241 posts)possible for you to get a photo of Eleanor Bradley Harris from Ancestry and post it here?
(15,121 posts)
(12,241 posts)I could post it here. I use (it's free, which I like) for hosting images to post on DU. I learned about imgur on DU.
(2,555 posts)Trying to figure out how else to do this
(12,241 posts)trying. I'll check into joining Ancestry tomorrow. If I can figure out how and all that, I mean. I'm no techie by any stretch of the imagination, but I am a stick-to-it type of person. Thanks again!
(15,121 posts)
(12,241 posts)Eleanor? If she was known as Nellie to her family, maybe the B stands for Bradley, her surname before she married Harris.
Thank you.
(15,470 posts)I remember my Mom telling me when I asked her why she used the initial D, when her middle name started with an A. She told me because when some women get married, they drop their middle name and replace it with their maiden name.
I secretly though it was because she hated her middle name. But over the years I have seen women do that. So my Mom wasn't ribbing me.
(15,121 posts)
(12,241 posts)Thank you!
To me, she doesn't look a lot like the other pictures I've seen of Eleanor Bradley Harris, but I've only seen a few.
Here's a screenshot from a You Tube video she's in:
(2,555 posts)This is her grave in Muskogee, Oklahoma
There is a lot more on her on Ancestry, including a nice picture of her in what appears to be an Indian sari in 1943.
Her obituary in of June 1996:
Harris - Nellie B., on June 10 1996, of Newark, beloved mother of..... Then personal information.
A fairly detailed family history is up on Ancestry, which also provides a way to contact the people who put it up there.
(12,241 posts)I tried to some time ago and did something wrong and it didn't take. Maybe I'm smarter now. Or not.
Thanks for the information!
(1 post)Hi - I was just searching the internet randomly for info about my grandmother and came across your post! This is VERY EXCITING!! Please feel free to message me at with any questions. I will try to scan some pictures for you.
This IS very exciting!
Will do, and thank you!
(2 posts)I just returned from the Harris Family re-union. Elor as she was called by some and Brad by others is my one of my favorite aunts and I'm sitting next to her sister Sandy right now who is my Mom ❤
You can email me on
Or call me or my Mom on 540 594 1701 or 843 446 9361
Or find either of us on Facebook John S Pruett or Sandra B Springs
(47,233 posts)Try to instant message or send a email to the person you are trying to contact. Edit your message to remove the phone #s.
Yes, I thought about it yet wanted to help make it easy to find me.
(12,241 posts)and thank you.