Related: About this forumThe Case for Repealing ALL Anti-Abortion Laws
This was in the Choice Forum on DU2 and I think it deserves a spot in this new home. Joyce is my favorite author and I adore her and her work.
Long, but a great read.
No country needs to regulate abortion via criminal or civil law. Only when abortion has the same legal status as any other health procedure can it be fully integrated into womens reproductive healthcare.
by Joyce Arthur
The repeal of abortion laws is supported by evidence from Canada, the only democratic country in the world with no laws restricting abortion since 1988. Abortions have since become earlier and safer, and the number of abortions has become moderate and stable. Current abortion care reflects what most Canadians are comfortable with, and women and doctors act in a timely and responsible manner, with no need for regulation.
Several legal arguments help build the case for abortion law repeal. A constitutional guarantee of womens equality can be used to overturn abortion laws, and ensure that abortion is funded by the healthcare system as a medically-required service. Freedom of religion, the right to privacy, and the right to self-defense can also be used to strike down laws. All anti-abortion restrictions are unjust, harmful, and useless because they rest on traditional religious and patriarchal foundations. Laws kill and injure women, violate their human rights and dignity, impede access to abortion, and obstruct healthcare professionals.
Solutions for Repealing Anti-abortion Laws
Heres some suggested solutions to get rid of harmful anti-abortion laws:
* Guarantee womens equality in countries constitutions.
* Collect evidence of laws harms, find plaintiffs, and challenge laws in court.
* Lobby government against abortion restrictions (meet with legislators, submit briefs).
* Educate media, government, health professionals, and public about the harm and futility of abortion restrictions.
* Challenge the religious basis of anti-abortion laws, and keep church and state separate.
* Change the rhetoric: Abortion is not a necessary evil. Abortion is a moral and positive choice that liberates women, saves lives, and protects families.
* Empower women in society by changing public policies.
* Change patriarchal attitudes about women and motherhood through advocacy and education.
* Prioritize childcare and child-rearing as a universal concern, not a womans issue.
Some of these proposed solutions are obviously very difficult and would take many years. But one has to start somewhere.
To conclude, no country needs any laws against abortion whatsoever. We can trust women to exercise their sensible moral judgment; we can trust doctors to exercise their professional medical judgment, and thats all we need to regulate the process.

(18,107 posts)Was Dr. Tiller's motto.
(27,985 posts)Have you seen this awesome site?
(15,686 posts)that liberates women, saves lives, and protects families.
That about covers it.
(27,985 posts)A-freaking-MEN, Joyce. Amen.
(22,144 posts)Unless its truly therapeutic, abortion is an elective procedure. Insurances and some states will not pay for it for that reason.
(27,985 posts)uppityperson
(115,916 posts)handmade34
(23,210 posts)cinnabonbon
(860 posts)LeftOfWest
(482 posts)Page 7: The Trouble with Laws
"Laws against abortion do nothing to stop abortion, or even reduce them. A recent study by the World Health Organization28 found that overall abortion rates in the world are similar, regardless of whether
abortion is illegal in words, restrictive abortion laws are not associated with a low abortion rate. In fact, in countries where abortion is widely available (including Canada) there has typically been a decline in abortion rates over time, especially when contraception use rises.
In countries that have banned safe abortion, about 19 million desperate women seek illegal abortions every year. 68,000 women die every year as a result, and at least five million are hospitalized due to complications. Countries with strict abortion bans (mostly in the developing world) usually allow an exception to save the womans life. Ironically, such bans result in many times more maternal deaths than in countries with more liberal abortion laws. The hypocrisy of laws that pretend to save womens lives, but which actually slaughter them by the thousands, demands their immediate repeal."
68,0000 Women's deaths just seeking a medical procedure that keeps Women safe and healthy...enough.
Abortion, safe and legal.
You are right that we have to start somewhere and some time or it will never change.
This info you post at this site on this is VERY helpful to this very Vocal voter with my Reps, locals to feds.
Thank you.