Related: About this forumFocus On The Family Sure Demon Weed Made Robert Dear Shoot Up Planned Parenthood
legalize it no wait we already did
(of course, the woman-hating insanity spewed by the xian reichwingnuts, including fungus (also known as focus on the family), had absolutely NOTHING to do with this self-admitted woman-hating xian fundamentalist terrorist murderer)
Focus On The Family Sure Demon Weed Made Robert Dear Shoot Up Planned Parenthood
even dumber than chick tracts
Way back over Thanksgiving weekend when Robert Dear gunned down some people in a Planned Parenthood in Colorado, we pretended for approximately 2 milliseconds that America might have a conversation over the toxic intersection of guns, terribly retrograde and awful thinking about the autonomy of womens bodies, and anti-clinic violence. Those were the days! But then some Muslins murdered people and we switched back to our regularly scheduled programming where we simultaneously live in pants-shitting terror of the amorphous idea of Muslims, yet completely ignore the actual factual reality of guns in America being easier to purchase than Star Wars: The Force Awakens tickets.
But the Planned Parenthood shootings were still rattling around the cavernous empty brain pan of Focus on the Family spokesperson Stuart Shepard, who is apparently still searching for a reason that Robert Dear gunned people down. Is it because he is a lady-beating piece of crap? Is it because fucksticks like Focus on the Family whipped him into thinking he saves babies by murdering adults? Naw, couldnt be either of those things. What could it be? How about
demon weed??
Stuart speculated that Dear just ended up at Planned Parenthood and that he could have been having a psychotic episode caused by marijuana edibles.
If you trace his path backwards from where he ended up at Planned Parenthood to that grocery store where the first person was shot (nobody was shot at the grocery store, you stupid jerk) and go back another half mile, you know what they sell there? he asked. Its a couple of marijuana shops. (actually, it's a school, and, in the other direction, a bunch of offices and residences)
I dont know the facts of this case, he acknowledged, (so shut up already) but Im sure law enforcement is looking into this, weve had multiple instances of people consuming what are called marijuana edibles
Id just be curious to know if he stopped by one of those. Weve had a number of folks who have eaten these things and then had psychotic episodes.
Yes, were sure law enforcement is spending a lot of time looking into whether Robert Dear, a person who already admitted exactly why he committed his crime and whose sordid petty violent history completely comports with eventually shooting up a Planned Parenthood, was instead actually motivated to do so thanks only to weed candy.
. . . .

(16,286 posts)and childish in ALL of their views and actions.
Imagine a 12 yr old with an opinion on the use of marijuana giving you that opinion
(122,592 posts)dembotoz
(16,922 posts)name