Exercise and Fitness
Related: About this forumCan anyone tell me about yoga?
I quit smoking three weeks ago and have been concentrating on getting back in to shape. Today I felt comfortable enough with my new core-strength to do handstands again. I used to be a gymnast, so it feels natural. Surprisingly I can still hold a handstand for about 30 seconds. It's supposedly very good for the brain due to the extra circulation.
Since handstands are a yoga move, and supposedly pretty advanced, I figured maybe yoga would be a path I should explore. I also do some other basic yoga-ish stuff while stretching. I'm a DIY'er, so I could probably do it without a class, but I'm guessing there are benefits to classes. Meeting new people for one thing!
One thing I should add, I'm not looking to lose weight. I actually would like to gain at least 10 pounds during the next few months. It's always been tough for me.
I'm sure we have some yoga folks here. How should I get started? Should I wait until my core is a bit stronger?
Newest Reality
(12,712 posts)From one point of view there are many different types of yoga. It is not just a matter of odd, stretchy body postures. It ranges from body to mind to whatever else you can want or need. Yoga is to connect yourself, your yoke yourself to something. You have already done that, though you might not like the results.
On the other hand, don't bother at all. In other words, you have been yoking yourself to this, that, and the other thing and getting the results of that, like it or not.
Consider your true nature and an exploration into that matter. Everything else seems to always be a matter of having a problem, finding a solution and moving from here to there, even though that goes on and on from self-help to self-improvement to whatever else that somebody has a problem with and somebody else has a way to fix it.
Be yourself as you are and enjoy that for a few moments. Getting from one thing to another is no way to be happy now. No matter how better you become, there is certainly something else waiting for you to be attracted to and assures your dissatisfaction with what you already have and are.
You can never get enough of what you don't really need to be happy.
(45,358 posts)Interesting post, I'm still digesting it.
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(121,089 posts)It really helped with a determination to stay quit, because I could constantly feel what the ciggies had done for me
Unfortunately, I stopped doing yoga after a few years -- and then went back to ciggies
My advice: take classes, so you'll get pushed the right way. Also do nightly practice: figure out when during the day you can set aside an hour for yoga practice -- and force yourself to do 20 minutes of yoga during that time. If you do more, great! but force yourself to do at least 20 minutes a day at a time when you can actually do more when it feels good
(45,358 posts)I freaking hate smoking. I've hated it for the last few years. I'm done.
As for the yoga, I just think I might be good at it. My grandmother did it in her 70's and 80's, but she's no longer around to talk to.
(2 posts)Yoga is very best for your health. When we do this many bad hobbits quite. And our whole day spend good.
(11,243 posts)If you live in an urban area, there are probably a ton of options for classes. I would recommend taking a few classes to get started. Look for a class labeled basics or beginner. If that is not available, Hatha is usually a good bet. That style of yoga tends to move more slowly and is easier for a beginner to master. Once you have the basic poses down, there is vinyasa, hot yoga and tons of other options.
If you really want to just try it at home, there is always yogaglo.com. It is a service that streams yoga classes. They have many beginner classes. Once you have mastered the basics, you can browse around and try other styles. I believe they offer a free trial before you sign up for the full membership.
(45,358 posts)I really want to take a class because of the social aspects, but am learning at home in the mean time.
I still don't think I'm going to get a gym membership though, I can do everything at home with just body weight, dumbbells, a chin-up bar and an exercise ball. Three weeks and my body is changing like crazy. It's really amazing, my abs have never looked like this even when I was a gymnast!
(146,218 posts)which is particularly tricky in a moving environment (boat).
The Wii program focuses on strengthening core muscles and improving balance and posture.
I have always been a solo Yoga enthusiast, but others find groups much more satisfying.
HUGE congratulations on stopping smoking. I think they will bury me with a cigarette between my lips.
(45,358 posts)Thanks!
Quit when you're ready. I sure was.
(2,032 posts)I started taking a once a week class via the local park and recs, so it's very reasonable vs a yoga studio. The class I go to is called "Gentle Yoga" which is geared toward seniors or people with injuries, disabilities etc. Very easy and has helped me immensely. (I'm 62, in pretty good shape but have some low back and knee problems) I now also go to a second class done by the same teacher, a little more advanced but still not too difficult. Since the classes are small she can kind of cater to what each of us can do/want. Her 'style' is Iyengar yoga.
I don't think you need to wait for a stronger core, mine has been getting better even at this fairly easy level. The teacher keeps reminding us that it's not about competition and to only do what we can do without pain or discomfort. I love it.
(45,358 posts)Honestly I don't care what I do, I just need to get out and do it!
Thanks for the P&R advice I'll certainly try that.
(8 posts)Yoga aims to remove the root cause of all diseases, not to treat its symptoms as medical science generally attempts to do!
Angry Dragon
(36,693 posts)Neoma
(10,039 posts)The point of yoga is that every time you try that position, by straining and working those muscles, you will surprise yourself. You listen to your body, and do what you can. You're not there to impress anybody, you're there to work your way up the scale. Plus, thank goodness, yoga isn't all about hand stands.
You don't wait until you're better at something you haven't even tried. Get what I mean?
(45,358 posts)I'm doing Yoga things at home almost daily now. I do the downward dog, plank, pushup, upward dog thing a lot, just because it feels good and seems more effective than just doing pushups. I'm all about compound exercises. A few months ago my entire body was very weak, now my core is crazy strong, my flexibility is improving dramatically and all of my nagging aches and pains are gone. It's awesome!
I do want to get into a class soon because I want to learn more. And yes I want to do handstands. Handstands are very underrated as an exercise IMO.
(17,428 posts)I can't do them in the middle of the room, but even against the wall, the benefits are great. One thing I like to do on occasion is get really close to the wall, then tip my head back just enough to touch the wall with the back of my head, then use core muscles to bring legs one at a time, then both off the wall.
We have a park and rec class in my little town that is $5 with a great instructor. We have a new yoga co-op that is charging $10 a class with some awesome folks too in a small quiet space. Also offered at my gym with childcare. Then I had a thing going for awhile with studios near me who would offer a class pass for a month unlimited for $30-40. That was awesome and helped me land in the just the right studio for me where I take advantage of special class passes as they are offered.
Like you, my back pain and sciatica were gone in about 2-3 weeks. I don't have a smoking issue, but have anxiety and yoga keeps me panic-free and off medication. Meditation is great too and I have started practice with mala beads and mantras while sitting or even lying down if I can't get to sleep.
I love yoga! Glad you have found it and hope it leads you on a whole new journey of discovery and happiness!
Many people think that yoga exercises is just stretching. But while stretching is certainly involved, yoga exercises is really about developing balance in the body through developing both strength and flexibility. This is done through the performance of presents or postures, each of which has specific physical benefits. The presents can be done quickly in succession, developing heat in the system through movement or more slowly to increase stamina and perfect the alignment of the pose.
Anaheim Hills gym
(4 posts)Yoga poses are to keep the body healthy and vital and are used in India and now here in America as a healing modality.
(9,314 posts)I'm using the Acacia Yoga for Beginners with Desi Bartlett. It's challenging but I like it. I've had back surgery so the stretching is especially good for my back.
(2,314 posts)Totally un-fit mid-sixties woman here. Last time I got together with my daughter, she yelled at me but good, and told me to start yoga (she happens to be a trained instructor but lives 1,000 miles away). Well, I am taking two easy classes a week and it's just wonderful. On the days I don't have class, I do about 15 minutes of poses and then read Stephen King on my recumbent bike for 25 minutes.
Two important things that I've learned from class, which I don't think were stressed here, are to Breathe! and to really relax everything in Corpse Pose.
I'll be visiting that daughter this week and I can't wait to do some stretches with her!
(9,110 posts)but there are many styles and types of classes. If you search around for the type of classes that fit you, it's a great help (to me) mentally and physically.
I originally went to yoga to get over some injuries. A friend said it worked for her so I tried some slow and rehab classes. As I got better, I just kept going and now I can participate in almost any of the classes or styles. I don't do acrobatic stuff, just what I can do. I choose what suits me, and when I travel I often look for yoga classes that are different; just like I'd try a new restaurant.
Now I've continued yoga for several years. It really helps me calm down if I go to yoga class before work or at lunch. My family doctor (same one for the last 20 years) was surprised when my blood pressure dropped quite a bit. He had me come in every few weeks to see if it was a permanent change. The only big lifestyle change that I had made in years was to add yoga. It may be different for others, but it seems to have been a big help to me.
(15 posts)Yoga is good for the health and mind, so that it is everyone has to be do the Yoga every day, it is better for the health. It is old exercise for living healthy.
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(7,220 posts)I just couldn't believe how much better my outlook was on the way out that door than on the way in. Yoga rocks not only the body but the mind equally.
Amanda Cerny
(13 posts)Yoga starts in India, there are many types of yoga exercises. Yoga positions extend your muscles and increment your scope of movement. Yoga isn't viewed as aerobic exercise, yet the more athletic assortments, similar to power yoga, will make you sweat. What's more, despite the fact that yoga isn't aerobic, some exploration discovers it very well may be similar in the same class as an aerobic workout for improving health.
(1 post)I hadn't done yoga in almost a month. I was feeling really bummed out yesterday, so I grabbed my mat and went to my garden. No one could see me fooling around and tripping. I actually laughed at myself a few times. It was dark and quiet, and the wind felt so good against my skin. My senses were a bit heightened and I swear that some poses felt different under the stars. I left the mat feeling completely relaxed and comfortable with my current state of mind and place in life. I'll be doing this again, I'm even considering using a blindfold. If you haven't tried it, go on, dim the lights and enjoy!
(4 posts)Yoga is very important fot life to live happiness. You quit bad habits after that your shape coming in good.
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(2 posts)I've done Yoga for three months and I definitely recommend, mainly at night before sleep. It gives you a so good relaxed sensation that it becomes much easier to fall asleep. I have been sleeping less time than before I started with Yoga and I wake up feeling much better.
(3 posts)Finding yoga and understanding the importance of fitness in life has changed the way I live. Its changed the way I enjoy things and go about my day. I really enjoy being energetic and actually having a purpose in life because of yoga. I do yoga after I wake up and I have an exercise routine that I do before going to bed. Ive also changed my diet and I'm loving the personal development that Im experiencing by being fit!
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