Addiction & Recovery
Related: About this forumDreams, do you have them?
Do you believe them? I've had dreams since I was a child. Mine were always about plane crashes and disasters it seems. I remember waking up back in the 70s,even 60s and telling my mom, something bad happened. and then by end of day, news was watched, no internet back then. And it got proven correct. I even woke one morn when I was 17, and said,,Mom, something bad happened in Africa.
Im just asking some questions here, as my dreams have changed. My "new dream" is not a good one. I have it every night. so I ask, is there reality in dreams? I listen to Mrs K talk about her dreams, they all have to do with water. I know for fact,Mrs fears drowning more than anything.
I do not ,and never have been a frequent flyer,,why are my dreams based on plane crashes?
this post is not meant to be a trap for snarky responses or anything. It is an honest question. my dreams seem to be about death on massive scale, sudden,unexpected. Maybe its covid,that drives me to this post. Maybe its us moving and looking into an unknown, but we just moved,so time frame doesn't fit. this dream is haunting me. My psyche has no answers, she just tells me, "we don't have all answers"
so the dream is,,Lilbit passes when Mom isn't here.
Lil Bit had her med emergency but Mom was here.,Im having this dream every night.
It is just something maybe we can talk about other than politics. It is scaring me.
Can we discuss?

(35,072 posts)Years ago I read a book about it. Then I had a shrink that was an expert on interpreting dreams. After telling me what they meant in my dream, hed tell me it was just a dream.
I also remember a glass I took in Anthropology that dealt with symbolism in various cultures.
(3,028 posts)in what Im trying to describe. I just don't understand the airplanes,mass death,,,
(24,655 posts)As a child and into my 40's, I dreamed frequently and they were often bizarre and almost always scary. A few were super wonderful and I treasure them. I also had 2 prophetic dreams that I knew were real and that were later proven out. I also had a recurring dream where everyone was getting sucked up by aliens who would then take over the person and I wouldn't' be part of them & was running and being chased while my friends were getting caught. In the end I ran by myself and was terrified. I had this dream for over a dozen years, then I finally found someone I could trust. The last dream I had he and I were facing the aliens, only we overcome them together and ran off into the sunset - together. I never had the dream after that, not once, because I then felt I could connect with someone at a deep enough level to really trust. Hopefully when the drumpf danger is passed, you will stop having this dream - unless it is a foretaste of something specific?
Midnight Writer
(23,491 posts)I had terrible nightmares since I was a kid. Dreams of me dying horribly, chased by monsters, etc. Would wake up and spent the rest of the night afraid to fall back asleep.
I took a notebook and pen and put it on my bed side table. When I would wake from a nightmare, I would turn on the light and write down everything I could remember in the dream. Soon patterns started to emerge. There were certain elements that kept repeating, cropping up again and again. Once I had identified some of the recurring themes (one, for example, was skeletons chasing me), I was able to identify them in my dreams. So if a skeleton started chasing me, I knew it was a dream and I didn't have to be afraid.
In other words, when something scary and freaky happened in my dreams, I was able to recognize inside my dream that it was indeed a dream. It wasn't real. Once I knew I was in a nightmare, I could dispel it, or at least change elements of it to my liking.
This was gradual, took years, but now my nightmares are scarce, and often even when one does break through my defenses, I am able to alter it, take control of the narrative, change it into something not so bad.
(3,028 posts)my dreams are about LilBit dying when Im alone with her,,,I think we have some commons, maybe it is because we are selling house and going camping full time.,, maybe it is because LilBit just got out of Icu,,,(yeah my dreams are at 6 months) but I have this Same dream,,every night,,, God I hate dreams,,,