Addiction & Recovery
Related: About this forumA prayer to get through this day and this moment:
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference

(66,282 posts)TygrBright
(21,058 posts)Today I REALLY need "the courage to change the things I can."
Before the end of the business day I WILL phone and talk to, or leave messages for, Ben Lujan's staff, Martin Heinrich's staff, and Tom Udall's staff.
And I WILL send a $25 donation to the ACLU THIS afternoon.
I cannot change the way things are now, today.
The things that make me tremble with rage and horror, the things that make me weep with sorrow.
But I can reject despair.
I can change myself, just a little.
I can be the kind of person who says politely but firmly to the people I should hold to account for my vote, "You must take action."
I can be the kind of person who prioritizes resource to help others with more knowledge and skills fight this fight.
More courage, please.
I have always been a coward. But I am capable of change.
Stuart G
(38,726 posts)This addiction fight is horrific. Just staying in the fight is incredible. For you and for me too. All of us who are fighting the fight to stay clean. I will add 3 more ideas: If it were easy, it would be easy and everyone would win. ..also........................................................................................
.........This is a most difficult fight, and it is... A One Day At A Time Fight.
(21,058 posts)bif
(24,807 posts)Focus on who you want to be, not who you were.
And another one I heard over the weekend: Live a life you don't need a vacation from!