Addiction & Recovery
Related: About this forumVery Hard to do, works..."Stay in Today".."now" "this moment"
Fire the "yesterday and tomorrow committee". and... Send them to another room, throw them out of the house, tell them to "bug off"
Live in today. "We can do something at this moment, that would overwhelm us if we had to keep it up for a lifetime"..
from... Emotions Anonymous...
(7,540 posts)To a wide variety of issues. It's no different with alcohol for example, dwelling on mistakes of the past will drive you nuts and stressing ahead into the future can make life seem daunting and futile.
I can not drink today and I won't drink tomorrow, that seems completely doable. When I would think about never drinking again ever, like 20 or 30 years into the future it seemed unattainable, but just not doing it for a day seemed possible.
Stuart G
(38,726 posts)I got lots of addictions, but I am very grateful, that to beat them, it really is just about today...your words, dwelling on mistakes of the past will drive you nuts.." yep...that committee of the past..really sucks..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stuart
(7,540 posts)Working towards serenity within myself. Like you said in another post, you have to make your amends and I would also add, truthfully recognize and acknowledge your own defects. That's all baggage I don't want to be dragging around.
Old Codger
(4,205 posts)Be able to forgive your pasts and have no fear of planning ahead just make sure you have alternatives...
Looking ahead too far is a trap...
Stuart G
(38,726 posts)I did this, and I did that...oh well.
...make amends and move on.. over and done....why? reliving the past, simply put..destroys the present..
(48,688 posts)agirlinneedofhelp
(1 post)I have just lost my job, kid and soon to be homeless due to drug abuse. I tried going to meetings and to stop beating myself up about it but it is hard. need some tips
(152,840 posts)I am sorry to hear about your difficulties.
You have posted in a thread that hasn't seen any activity since last year, so it's unlikely that anyone will respond.
You need to get to 10 posts before you can start your own thread, so maybe that would be the thing to do.
Good luck!
Old Codger
(4,205 posts)And only today, don't use, find a meeting and go to it and keep going to it, if you cannot talk then listen, pay attention many of us have been where you are now many of us have been able to get past that point but it is important that you get the help that is available to you. If there is a treatment center available go to it, even if it is outpatient treatment, go to meetings don't make excuses go to them talk to people they will help, they will give you rides to meetings someone will pick you up and take you to them if needed...
I have been fighting this personal demon for over 30 years now one day at a time, sometimes on hour at a time sometimes one minute at a time, whatever it takes is what you must do... and keep on posting here even though it is a slow group there are some of us who monitor it ...
You can do it...
(21,730 posts)Forgiving yourself takes time and working the steps. It's an ongoing process. In early recovery, it's an incredible accomplishment to stay sober today! You will find others who have been in exactly your position. I found that others will help you if you let them know what's going on and listen.
Stuart G
(38,726 posts)Yes, it is hard to start over. But, we can start. Just stay in today, if you can. Think about one day, this day. Try to get through this day, without using or beating yourself up. that is it, just today. And it isn't easy, but we, those of us in this group, have all been there. Best wishes, and good luck...please do not give up. and thanks for being here..
(49,314 posts)it will get better. never as fast as we want it to, but it will.
it did for me and it will for you too, just stay clean, work the steps and it will get better
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