"Bear" - it's not a comedy
It's a psycho drama with loads of worshipful images of food. I still don't understand it, though I have watched 3 seasons.
OAITW r.2.0
(29,161 posts)RainCaster
(11,848 posts)It's a drama about the people who work in a high-end restaurant. Their backgrounds, dreams, frustrations, etc.
I don't know why it won a shit+ton of awards this week as a comedy. I haven't laughed once and I'm 3 seasons into this. If this is a comedy, I'm a 7 limbed extra-terrestrial .
OAITW r.2.0
(29,161 posts)Alpeduez21
(1,889 posts)I was entertained for 3 seasons worth. It has a unique perspective on plot development that is different. So as not to create a spoiler what I will call the family dinner episode from season two still occupies way too much space in my head. What the heck you can always stop watching its not like you sign a contract when you begin a show on Hulu.
OAITW r.2.0
(29,161 posts)thanks!
(32,002 posts)Obsession. Substitute the quest for the ideal in food with painting, music, theater, writing -- same show.
(11,848 posts)👍👍
(1,804 posts)The character development is exceptional. The casting is perfect. The story line is intense. The episode at the end of season 2, Fishes, was so intense, I had to keep pausing it so I could breathe. Jamie Lee Curtis should have won an Emmy for her epic performance. Highly recommend the series.
(5,913 posts)And again in season 3 she steals the show. I love all the characters.
(1,804 posts)I love the characters too!
OAITW r.2.0
(29,161 posts)I will give it a shot!
Silver Gaia
(4,937 posts)Honestly, it deserves every award it has gotten. They are well earned.
It's my understanding that it is classified as a comedy due to some odd, old Emmy rules about episodes generally not being hour length (drama-length), and something about the way in which it is filmed.
It sometimes does make me chuckle, but it is more of a dramedy. It is definitely not a funny comedy show.
What it does have is amazing, finely drawn characters in a character-driven show that are portrayed by top notch actors, writing that takes us into deep places in their relationships with each other, their families, and their community, and sensitive direction that brings out all these quirky qualities. Other actors seem to loooove this show and its cast.
It is unique. There is nothing else out there quite like it.
Yes. Watch it! Give it time to grow on you. If you enjoy quality television, you will not be disappointed.
(24,479 posts)Highway61
(2,577 posts)Probably the best I've seen in one hell of a long time. Season 2 Episode 6 "Fishes" absolutely blew me away. The cast is stellar and the acting is amazing. No wonder it has been nominated for so many awards. It's funny, dark and brutally honest....and just wait until you meet Richie.
(24,479 posts)Very well done and different. It was sort of a random, train-of-thought recap of the first 2 seasons. Just one scene after another, artfully strung together without any narrative. Some absolutely beautiful food shots.
(6,343 posts)It is a great show though
Cuthbert Allgood
(5,202 posts)The "nonnegotiables" scene was fucking hilarious.
You can't tell me that you watched the "Forks" episode and didn't laugh. Odenkirk was comedy gold in that episode. Half the time Cousin is on screen, I'm l laughing.
I don't think it is a comedy for everyone, but is funny as shit if you like super dark and dry.
(24,479 posts)I started Season 3. The first episode was a recap. But the second episode was the leads in the kitchen bickering the whole time. The angst just got to me and I had to bail. Does it get better?
IL Dem
(856 posts)I don't get how it was categorized as such for Emmys.
I think it's a drama with some funny moments. Can't stand the character Richie. I'm half way through the 2nd season.
(24,479 posts)I watched 3 or 4 episodes of season 3 and bailed. The first 2 seasons were great. They should have quite then.