Related: About this forumIt’s time for women to take back the word “feminism”
Good blog entry by Suzi Parker @ the Washington Post site:
But some people think it is. A staffer at Beliefnet, a spirituality, inspiration and emotional wellness Web site, told Minnesota playwright Kristine Holmgren that readers had issues with the word feminism.
Holmgren, who planned to use in the word in the title of her new blog for the site, shared an email from Beliefnets marketing and business analyst Sharon Kirk with media writer Jim Romensko on his Web site.
I would suggest changing the tag line or deleting all together as Im concerned about the negative connotation that our readers may associate with the word feminism, the email read. In addition, well want this blog to focus more on Christianity/spirituality as opposed to issues related to feminism. What do you think of simply Sweet Truths with Kristine Holmgren?
Have conservatives so corrupted the word feminist that is now tainted like the word like liberal or environmentalist? The fact that this is even in the realm of discussion in 2013 makes my head ache terribly and makes me angry.

(1,135 posts)of brainwashing the masses. They shovel the propaganda and the sheep scarf it up and parrot all they say.
How can it be unchristian to honor women? Jesus sure did.
(47,992 posts)that would be a feminism that does not seem to be able to conceptualize or to manifest itself in any form other than as some reaction to men. One of the main reasons this concerns me is that it can really lead to a self-reinforcing circular culture of victimhood that will prevent women from discovering, AMONGST THEMSELVES, what it is to be female for females' sake alone and not so dependent upon, not so relative to, how men define themselves and what men are doing.
An example of this could be what questions about "slut shaming" relate to. Some of the subject behaviors are indeed relatively innocent female vitality, some of the subject behaviors are, intentionally or otherwise, slut behaviors and it isn't necessary to judge anyone personally to talk honestly about and to hold ourselves, and to call others to be, accountable for which behavior is which, whichever any given woman, as is her right, does CHOOSE.
Being able to do that sort of thing for ourselves also does not necessitate yielding one iota from the principle that rape IS rape, because force/coercion/power/violence ARE force/coercion/power/violence.
Gormy Cuss
(30,884 posts)which is what the conservatives have done so well for decades.
I think that we can argue about methods, we can argue about goals, but we can also embrace those as feminism if it seeks to achieve equal status for women.
(47,992 posts)R. Daneel Olivaw
(12,606 posts)she is older than Moses now.
Who is taking up the banner of boys are better than us crap? It's not being left to the GOP men's club. They do a horrible job.
I cold never really understand how anybody would put their own self interests of that of their gender in the back seat and protest equal rights for themselves.
(32,886 posts)at least thats the first reaction. The second reaction is for many of the women and men who hear me say that to tell me how "bad" feminists are.
My response is similar to anti-union missives I hear. I simply go through a list of things women wouldnt have without feminism and things that feminists are fighting for now.
The word does need to be reclaimed, but I am not sure how.