Related: About this forumHigh Schoolers Walked Out to Support a Trans Student, So a Classmate Threatened to Shoot Them Washington state school district was put on lockdown Monday after a high school student reportedly threatened to shoot classmates who walked out in support of a transgender student whod recently been assaulted.
Local news outlet KOIN reports that last week, a student at Kalama High School in Southern Washington state, about 40 miles from Portland, Oregon, assaulted a trans male classmate in a school hallway as students were leaving for the day. The trans student was on the ground, and the assailant repeatedly kicked him with steel-toed boots. The injured student reportedly sought treatment at a hospital and has returned to school.
On Monday, dozens of students walked out in support of their trans classmate and to protest what they say is the schools inaction in response to homophobia, sexism and, uh, incidents of Nazi salutes in classrooms and locker rooms.
It was during the walkout that the student threatened his classmates. The Kalama Police Department wrote on Facebook that a male student told another classmate that he wanted to aim an automatic machine gun at the demonstrators. The witness didnt see a gun, but still reported the comments to the school. The police said they questioned the suspect and will forward criminal charges to the county prosecutor.
More QOP terrorism at work, aimed once against the LGBTQ community. All the bigoted bills, all the hateful rhetoric, all the "thought exercises" on whether we should be treated like human beings or have rights... Each and every bit of it is fueling the hatred, the threats, and the violence.
At some point, this is going to go beyond threats or harassment and get people killed.
America is a gun. America is stochastic terrorism.

(6,269 posts)very small testicles BS is pathetic. America is a democracy. So if anyone differs from others and their mates are threatened with death by shooting a weapon of mass destruction and they are not hurting anyone or themselves the perp must face charges if the weapon is found or bought anytime near the threat. They are nascent domestic terrorists. LOCK THEM UP and throw away the key...
(1,962 posts)The anti-democracy crap started when Bill Clinton had the gall to end the OQP's 12 year reign by being elected. It snowballed heavily during his time in office, in large part thanks to the likes of Gingrich and Limbaugh. That same sense of entitlement returned under Bush the Lesser. Then got downright ugly when we had the nerve to have a black president. Finally it all hit the breaking point because "Drumpf's president! We don't have to be afraid anymore!" and "Drumpf 2016. Fuck your safe space!"
It's all coming apart now, and all thanks to one side. 30-35% of this country is a collection of heavily armed lunatics who are prepared to take this country over by force. The solution to everything for them is violence. They think they have the right to shoot LGBTQ's, Democrats, anyone at all that they don't like.
These lunatics are itching to shoot up LGBTQ's and their allies. We've had three serious incidents of harassment or threats since Saturday - and that's not counting any I may have missed today. The nation of "second amendment solutions."
LOCK THEM UP, indeed. All of them. Do so before more innocent people are butchered.
(6,269 posts)Karadeniz
(23,944 posts)IngridsLittleAngel
(1,962 posts)Should be arrested for aggravated assault, and if the attack was because their target was trans, a hate crime as well.
Once they get out of juvie? Lengthy suspension, if not expulsion.
Kicking someone on the ground repeatedly with steel-toed boots shows malice. And judging by how "well" 2022 has gone, I absolutely lean toward "that'll teach you to be trans in MY school!" being the motivation.
(10,442 posts)Child needs to go to juvie for a bit to get his shit together and be evaluated by experts
(1,962 posts)Or even Washington's equivalent to CYA (California Youth Authority) if they have one. Only terrorists make terrorist threats. Terrorist threats deserve to get a person locked up.
I'd love to know if the parents taught him this hateful behavior, or were blind to it. Did they create this monster? Did they ignore their son being radicalized online by the likes of 4chan and Daily Stormer? I don't know. Either way, his parents failed. They failed when they turned him into a monster, or they failed when they failed to pay attention as someone programmed their son into being a fascist.
I just know he needs to be locked up. Partially for his sake, mostly for the sake of innocent people who shouldn't have to live in fear of being shot because they're trans or a trans ally.