How the Head of the N.R.A. and His Wife Secretly Shipped Their Elephant Trophies Home
Last edited Thu Jul 29, 2021, 01:06 PM - Edit history (1)
In the early fall of 2013, an export company in Botswana prepared a shipment of animal parts for Wayne LaPierre, the head of the National Rifle Association, and his wife, Susan. One of the businesss managers e-mailed the couple a list of trophies from their recent hunt and asked them to confirm its accuracy: one cape-buffalo skull, two sheets of elephant skin, two elephant ears, four elephant tusks, and four front elephant feet. Once the inventory was confirmed, the e-mail stated, we will be able to start the dipping and packing process. Ten days later, Susan wrote back with a request: the shipment should have no clear links to the LaPierres. She told the shipping company to use the name of an American taxidermist as the consignee for the items, and further requested that the company not use our names anywhere if at all possible. Susan noted that the couple also expected to receive, along with the elephant trophies, an assortment of skulls and skins from warthogs, impalas, a zebra, and a hyena. Once the animal parts arrived in the States, the taxidermist would turn them into decorations for the couples home in Virginia, and prepare the elephant skins so they could be used to make personal accessories, such as handbags.
The LaPierres felt secrecy was needed, the e-mails show, because of a public uproar over an episode of the hunting show Under Wild Skies, in which the host, Tony Makris, had fatally shot an elephant. The N.R.A. sponsored the program, and the couple feared potential blowback if the details of their Botswana hunt became public. Footage of their safari, which was filmed for Under Wild Skies and recently published by The Trace and The New Yorker, shows that Wayne had struggled to kill an elephant at close range, while Susan felled hers with a single shot and cut off its tail in jubilation. Plans to air an episode featuring the LaPierres hunt were cancelled.

(17,757 posts)At least their behavior prove that they knew what they were doing was wrong.
Tadpole Raisin
(1,561 posts)Disgusting, cruel, narcissistic, heinous
Wait let me get my thesaurus
Oh yes and ILLEGAL!!!
I hope your ass and your wifes ass gets nailed with all your crimes and you go to jail for a very long time.
I want you both to still be in jail when I die so I can haunt you.
(16,953 posts)would love to see them impaled or eaten or trampled by a wild animal....
Cracklin Charlie
(12,904 posts)Murderers.
(95,912 posts)But wait and I'll tell you how I really feel!