New NY laws to fund 'complete streets' projects; require transit dependent representation ........
New NY laws to fund complete streets projects; require transit dependent representation on agency boards
Two pieces of legislation in New York state gained Gov. Kathy Hochuls signature to move them into law. The bills support municipal complete streets projects and require regional transportation boards in upstate and western New York to have voting seats for transit dependent individuals.
"Whether you're on the sidewalk, in the bike lane or riding the bus, you deserve a high-quality trip that gets you safely to your destination," Gov. Hochul said. "Transportation is all about connections: Bringing people closer to their jobs, their homes and the people they love. I'm proud to sign two new laws that will make our streets safer and our communities more connected."
Complete streets
Legislation (S.3897/A.8936-A) will increase funding and support a holistic approach to street design through "complete streets" projects. These projects are roadways planned and designed to consider the safe, convenient access and mobility of roadway users of all ages and abilities. This includes pedestrians, bicyclists, public transportation riders and motorists.
The governors office says complete street designs contribute to a cleaner, greener transportation system. This bill increases the state share of funding for municipalities incorporating complete street features. Under the new legislation, the state's contribution to the non-federally funded portion of complete street projects will increase to 87.5 percent, which will help municipalities to implement these street designs. .............(more)