IL: Metra falling further behind budget amid COVID-19 ridership decline, with cost cuts coming......

As the pandemic persists and people stay home in droves, Metra is falling further behind its revenue schedule.
The Chicago areas commuter rail system upped its projected two-year budget deficit to $682.5 million at a virtual monthly board Wednesday, and warned that it will have to start cutting costs more aggressively without additional federal aid like the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act passed in March.
CARES funds wont last forever, Thomas Farmer, Metras chief financial officer, said during the meeting. We must adjust costs if ridership doesnt return soon.
Metra, which operates 11 rail lines across six counties, has seen ridership plunge to about 10% of its pre-COVID-19 level, as remote working and school remain the norm for many commuters. Train cars are still largely empty despite cutting daily service by more than half, Farmer said. ..............(more)

OAITW r.2.0
(29,540 posts)Traveling in cars will be at least a short term impact of COVID-19. But for major companies where they relied on computer based skills, telecommuting is going to have a lasting less cars. When this virus is over, I think many will revert to public transportation....which will be significantly less because people will be working from home permanently.
(11,676 posts)"Essential Trips Only" and "Stay Home MN". Though I haven't seen that on their website lately, so I'm wondering if they are dropping that. But used to be on their website all over the place, and the bus chyrons or whatever you call those.
MetroTransit's policy is still a maximum of 10 people on a regular-sized bus (15 people on the accordion-style double busses). When the bus reaches the limit, the driver is supposed to put a "Next Bus, Please" on the chyron.
Anyway, that makes the darn thing much less dependable and reliable. You never know if you do wait for the next bus, which could be an hour later, if it will be "full" too.
About 3 months ago they also cut back on service by about 40% -- mostly switching to Saturday schedules during the weekdays. If a route had no Saturday or Sunday schedule, it was eliminated.
Ridership was down by about half in July 2020 compared to July 2019. (It was down by 70% or more during like April)
Fortunately, they are going to bring back service levels to approximately pre-pandemic levels beginning September 12. But undoubtedly the 10 people max per bus will remain indefinitely. (A lot of drivers bend or break the rules)
Dunno where they are going to get the money to continue operating. The Repukes control the state senate.
MetroTransit suspended in-bus fare collection for about 3 months.