Related: About this forum50 myths and lies about public schools
A valuable new book called 50 Myths & Lies That Threaten Americas Public Schools takes a stark look at some of the worst ideas being promoted by school reformers around the country as ways to improve the public education.
The book from which I am going to run a series of excerpts looks at international tests, teachers, school funding, charter schools and a lot more, including sections on:
* International tests show that the United States has a second-rate education system.
* Teachers are the most important influence in a childs life.
* Merit pay is a good way to increase the performance of teachers.
* Subject matter knowledge is the most important asset a teacher can possess.
* American K-12 education is being dumbed down.
* The money available to school districts is spread equally across their schools.
* Group projects waste childrens time and punish the most talented.
* School uniforms improve achievement and attendance.
* Schools can teach all students to the point of mastery.
* Education will lift the poor out of poverty and materially enrich our entire nation.
(1,406 posts)Since these have been around for a 100 years, most of the people complaninig about this situation were probably taught by a Union Teacher. They just did not realize this fact.
(2,012 posts)I went to Glass's webpage and the first article is debunking the remedial college class lie put out by Arne Duncan. What a twit!
Love this quote, "How could Duncan be so far off? Clearly, Duncan wishes to see a half-full glass as being three-quarters empty, or else there is no thirst for his remedies for a failing public school system. That he has never been a teacher at any level in the nation's education system might excuse his ludicrous misperception of what is actually happening out there in the schools. "
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