Related: About this forumThe debate over the existence of public schools
The debate over the existence of public schools
While we used to debate the best way to help public schools, we now hear from those who believe it's time to scrap the very idea of public education altogether.
read story from maddow blog
(23,156 posts)They need to be supported. They need to be funded.
I wound up sending my two sons to a private school (from an excellent public school) and the very first thing I realized is that the public schools are significantly underfunded. Even the very good ones. Not that this matters very much, but the tuition we paid still was less than the cost of educating the kids, and they depended on serious fund raisers.
The public schools can't use fundraisers. They are totally dependent on what each state gives to educate the kids. Plus, of course, they must educate all comers. They can't deny someone for any reason at all, unlike the private schools.
I was often quite unpopular when in conversations with other parents of the private school, I said that I should not be exempt from any school taxes whatsoever. I understood how incredibly fortunate we were to be able to send our kids to the private school. But just as those who don't have kids in the public school, we all MUST contribute to the public schools, absolutely. As it is, even if private schools didn't exist, at any given time only a minority of us have kids in the public schools. But we all benefit, and so we must all contribute.
(8,159 posts)What do poor people do or those in debt up
To their eyes do?
Is this another way to dumb down America. Seems to me it's had a great start already!
Eliminating the public schools is the dumbest thing I've ever heard of.
Who controls curriculum, is it the same for all private schools?
Smarmie Doofus
(14,498 posts)Wave of the future.
Call 'em "charters", call 'em whatever.
Bush era GOP pipe dream, given a MEGADOSE Vitamin b-12 shot by Obama, the rw of the DEM party and the..... ummmm....... "financial community".
Cheap labor, solid profits. Unfathomably rich target of opportunity. ( i.e. tax money spent on public ed.)
Unions appear to be bought off.( Come on. It's not like that's never happened.)
How else to account for their weird "collaboration"?
(5,829 posts)Because...truth has a liberal bias...