Legal Match
For DU-ers who are attorneys or recent members of your state's Bar: Here is my experience with this business.
Pluses: Legal Match will provide you with prospective clients in Family Law, Real Estate, Criminal, Contracts. You review the synopsis and have the option of showing interest in a consultation, possibly taking the case later. They have a method of payment that includes credit card, PayPal, etc. You chose your rate and/or retainer.
Minuses: You are signed up to Legal Match (think, Contract and breach thereof). You are obligated to take a certain number of cases within a time frame for a term of 24 or 36 months. While LM provides you with a collection of prospects within your geographic region, you may not have selected the prospects as clients. There is a loss of control as you feel obligated to take prospects who might be troublesome in the future to stay in good terms of your LM contract.
I have gone back and forth on this situation as I would like more clients, but not clients whom our law professors warned us about.
If you have any experience with Legal Match, I'd like your opinion(s).