Related: About this forumWhy should I support this economy?
I really dont get some of the economic theory I hear. The biggest one is that our economy is based on ever-increasing amounts of sales, of everything. Not only do we need an increasing population (and were already at near unsustainable limits there), but each already existing individual needs to buy an increased amount of stuff every year in order for this system to succeed. And this on top of that, the price of everything keeps going up as well, while income doesnt.
Does no one else see that we cant keep this up forever? Theres a limit before the system falls apart we cant afford any more. We cant sustain more population. Weve been at the point for decades where we need a service that rents you somewhere to put the stuff you own that physically wont fit in your home George Carlin commented on that, for craps sake. Id like to point out that if youre not living with it, you can probably do without it. Youre already doing without it.
The accountant of an old boss I had kept telling him that it wasnt enough to make a profit. If his profit didnt increase by at least a specified (large) percentage above last years, it was exactly the same as failure. And this was after the increasing expenses were accounted for. Why?
Theres also the myth of ever-expanding, limitless productivity. Theres going to be a point where youre doing as much as you can do. You have to sleep, you have to eat. You can only do more every single year for so long.
In the eighties, I worked for insurance companies and we had a particular business model come in. The first year, you got hired and hopefully met expectations. But in the anniversary meeting, you had to rate yourself on a number of areas, one to five. The supervisor would take this sheet and inform you, one by one, that you were wrong and not that good, and implying that youd have to do significantly better to keep your job. People came out of these meetings crying. You had to list specifically the areas in which you could help the company more the next year. You got a little more than a cost of living raise.
So you told them everything you thought you could do. Next year, you did it all. Same meeting, same evaluation and same need to list several more promises youd have to live up to. Same small raise. Now, you have to strain a little. Next year, same thing again. Eventually it became impossible. The raises stopped coming and the evaluations got lower and lower. You quit before you were fired.
The quitting was the point of all this. Some study had determined that long-time employees made too much. You needed to move them along approximately every five years and hire somebody else at entry level wage. We were interchangeable cogs and completely fungible. (A term my 4 year old stepson understood completely when something broke once Oh well. Trow out, buy new. He was shocked to find out that didnt happen everywhere.)
That program is still common. I shocked an immigrant one time by explaining it and how I personally beat it. No matter the questionnaire question, I put down 3. Didnt even read the questions. I knew I was 4 to 5 on everything, and the interviewer knew it, too. They couldnt possible defend a 2 rating, but even if they had, I wasnt emotionally invested. I gave them the minimum possible promises for the next year and I met them every time. I was there over ten years when the company closed our branch. I could have gone another five without breaking a sweat.
Yes, it was cynical as hell. In my defense, Id have given them everything I could do, if the end game hadnt been to get me to quit or fire me. Ive never left another job where they didnt have to replace me with two people. The insurance agency I left (to go to this corporation) brought in two clerks and a computer. The last time I saw the boss, he still wanted me to come back.
Anyway, productivity has a ceiling. Consumerism has a ceiling. None of this will work forever, because it cant. And were wrecking the world trying to keep it going and trying to stave off the eventual end. We need to come up with a different sustainable theory and I dont see anybody even trying to do that.
Im quitting the system now. Actually, I quit some time ago. I work as hard as I can at my job. Then I go home and my at-home job is to figure out ways we can have a good-enough life while buying as little crap as possible. The current economy is going to have to get along without me.
(5,126 posts)We will be retiring, hopefully, in about 5 years and I want a minimal footprint and to be mostly self sustaining.
Any extra we do will be in travel and experiences. Going places doing things.
Less crap, more living.
(19,357 posts)and senior workers' wages don't always keep pace. Usually not.
Otherwise, high five figuring out how to make a living in a field filled with baddies, run by super baddies. I am willing to bet without evidence that you found ways to make it more honest and help folks.
continues to be my mantra as I get older....
(779 posts)and save money for unforeseen problems. That's my plan.
(18,065 posts)Poor people have been doing this all along. Yes, even the working poor.
I learned over 40 years ago -- 1979 -- that even if "they" appreciate your effort now, they can (and probably will) stop appreciating it as soon as it's to their benefit. I haven't been an active participant in the corporate capitalist economy since then. Oh, I've had a few jobs out there, but I've never given "them" any more than the bare minimum to get a usually much needed paycheck. I've done without a lot of things most Americans these days consider necessities; I'd rather do without than sell my soul to "them."
(48,392 posts)Whatever you do, make sure it works for you, and try to improve that equation at every turn. It's a simple form of MBA input-output analysis. Get the max from your efforts.
Chowmama? You new here? Only 115 posts? You astute for your DU track mileage. Keep on truckin' because you're off to a good beginning
(40,915 posts)Life unworthy of life
Repubs ok with seniors dying off for the economy
Republican Lt. Gov. suggests elderly should be sacrificed to save the economy
(12,993 posts)Will they be sacrificed?
Always with republicans they think they are the most worthy but in reality they are worthless.
(11,618 posts)That's why they like to spread COVID it kills the elderly first.
Why are GOPers ok with the average elderly person dying or living out of their car because they don't get enough in SocSec to pay rent, yet worship a really ugly and senile old guy?