Help. My son is drinking the kool-aide. He thinks DEMS stole his vote.
He says that his wife's vote counted, but his didn't that he checked and he wasn't registered, and it shows he did not vote.
So I asked him, "Who is it who wants to restrict voting rights?"
"Oh, so you have to show an ID." He said dismissively.
"And in states where people have to wait hours to vote, and it's dangerously hot, who put in legislation to prevent people from bring water to voters in line?"
The DEMOCRATS he said.
NO NO NO NO Never the DEMS. But he insists.
So my southern friends, can you help me find the legislation and the backers of these horrible bills? I might find them first, but in case he thinks I am lying.... or misinformed by the main stream media.

(19,344 posts)childfreebychoice
(476 posts)50 yrs cuz no amt of facts convinced him that hrc wasn't a smarter assassin, that Russia helped t* win.
(9,629 posts)Are they really that stupid or are they just trolling.
I never take anything a Red Hat has to say at face value.
(5,126 posts)I don't have the time or energy to keep up with the waterfall of lies drowning him.
He's my son.
He thinks he is not racist because he has black friends. Close friends he would die for. He treats them well, but by supporting the party of racism and voter suppression, he is disrespecting his friends. And convincing them to disrespect themselves.
He thinks because he loves his gay son that he is not homophobic even though he is convinced the schools are trying to "FORCE" straight students to become gay or be harassed/beaten.
(13,007 posts)Their ideas are so poorly conceived it doesn't take much to shake them. Among the like-minded, however, they're true believers.
(5,126 posts)I have never been patient being "Mansplained to" so it's not an ideal situation to begin with.
When I can't challenge the lies with facts and get told my facts are lies it's just a non-starter.
(13,007 posts)TreasonousBastard
(43,049 posts)these types.
(5,126 posts)Kamala Harris exaggerates food and water laws for voters
If Your Time is short
States commonly ban bribing voters or limit electioneering within a certain distance of polling places. But laws that expressly ban giving away food or water to voters waiting in lines are rare. Voters who bring their own food and drinks remain free to consume them.
Georgia lawmakers passed a law this year that bans food and water giveaways to voters near polling sites, although poll workers are allowed to set up self-serve water stations.
New York and Montana have laws about food and water giveaways, but they are less restrictive than Georgias.
Montanas 2015 law, signed by Democratic Gov. Steve Bullock, bans candidates and individuals working on their behalf from distributing food or drinks to voters at or near a polling place. A Montana court used an earlier statute to remove a sheriff from office following the 1938 election because he handed out "large quantities of beer, by the bottle and by the keg."
SO BECAUSE Montana has a Democratic Gov, and actually removed a sheriff for dispensing beer to sway voters....
THEN DEMS introduced the bills banning water.
What I can't SAY TO MY SON because he's TOO BUSY TALKING TO LISTEN.....
Is that WHILE DEMs DO SUPPORT NOT BRIBING PEOPLE TO VOTE A SPECIFIC WAY and discourage politicking in the vicinity of the polls....
IN AREAS where people can pass out from heat exhausting trying to vote because these areas are supplied with inadequate numbers of voting machines for the populace..... it is the RETHUGS who are banning water distribution.
(18,138 posts)and that is restricted to a limited distance from the polling place. Florida limited everyone and anyone.
(5,126 posts)So IF the districts that have historically been ill supplied with voting equipment causing hours long lines....
IF voter suppression wasn't ALREADY happening by misallocation of resources....
NO ONE would need water and snacks to keep from passing out while waiting to vote.
Make it illegal to have voting lines that long year after year. So if it happens, the following voting occasion needs to be properly supplied. IE: X amount of voters waiting 4 hours with 8 voting machines.... add 8 more voting machines the following election.
(2,105 posts)An appeals court just reinstated the restrictive law - today, just a few hours ago, and it is signed already by you know who
The state appealed the ruling and asked the U.S. Circuit Court for a temporary stay on Walker's order. The appeals court granted the request on Friday, saying it is too close to an election for the lower court to make changes to voting rules.
More on the question though, it isn't as simple as the difference between being able to give water and being able to get water. There were some guidelines that didn't fit neatly into a soundbite. Have you tried looking at Ballotpedia or the state site:
Update: the state site shows the governor signed it into law today. Just that quick. They're going full dictatorship late on a Friday. Would could have guessed that?
(5,126 posts)(The applicable) provisions of SB 202. Here is what that section of the law says:
" a) No person shall solicit votes in any manner or by any means or method, nor shall any
person distribute or display any campaign material, nor shall any person give, offer to give,
or participate in the giving of any money or gifts, including, but not limited to, food and
drink, to an elector, nor shall any person solicit signatures for any petition, nor shall any
person, other than election officials discharging their duties, establish or set up any tables
or booths on any day in which ballots are being cast
(1) Within 150 feet of the outer edge of any building within which a polling place is
(2) Within any polling place; or
(3) Within 25 feet of any voter standing in line to vote at any polling place."
The bill also states that poll workers can make available "self-service water from an unattended receptacle to an elector waiting in line to vote." But nothing in the law requires poll workers to make water easily available to voters while they are waiting in line.
Holmes tweeted that the "last section clearly exempts poll workers from prohibitions on political entities providing, water etc."
Holmes is correct that poll workers can set up self-serve water stations. However, during the show he misled when he said the law doesnt criminalize giving away water.
The law makes it a misdemeanor to give away food or water within 150 feet of the outer edge of a polling place building or within 25 feet of any voter in line. Violations of this law are punishable by up to a year in jail and a $1,000 fine. While people other than poll workers can give away food or water, they have to adhere to these boundaries to avoid breaking the law.
(5,126 posts)Sponsors
Sen. Max Burns [R]
Sen. Butch Miller [R]
Sen. Michael Dugan [R]
Sen. Frank Ginn [R]
Sen. Lee Anderson [R]
Sen. Randy Robertson [R]
Sen. Jeff Mullis [R]
Sen. John Albers [R]
Sen. Larry Walker [R]
Sen. Matt Brass [R]
Sen. Jason Anavitarte [R]
Sen. Marty Harbin [R]
Sen. Billy Hickman [R]
Sen. Dean Burke [R]
Sen. Sheila McNeill [R]
Sen. Brandon Beach [R]
Sen. Bruce Thompson [R]
Sen. Tyler Harper [R]
Sen. Carden Summers [R]
Sen. Chuck Payne [R]
Sen. Chuck Hufstetler [R]
Sen. Blake Tillery [R]
Sen. John Kennedy [R]
Rep. Barry Fleming [R]
(5,126 posts)Seats 180
Political groups Majority Republican (103) Minority Democratic (77)
Republican (34) Democratic (22)
(2,105 posts)but I had to check out who they were first. I went there to find this while looking up something from a different post whose answer I was unsure of.
Ask PolitiFact: Is it illegal to leak a draft Supreme Court opinion?
(5,126 posts)Politifact suggests that NY law is a bit more progressive:
We found that New Yorks law bans giving "meat, drink, tobacco, refreshment or provision" to voters unless it has a value of less than $1 and is given without any identification of the person or group supplying it. The law has been on the books for decades, with the $1 cap being added in 1992. New Yorks law would allow someone to buy bottles of water or cheap snacks in bulk and hand them out anonymously to voters. Georgias law makes no such exceptions.
(2,105 posts)how the review from Ballotpedia doesn't reflect "try to show balance" but instead has standards for reporting.
(8,608 posts)I let him know that he wont use internet for free anymore.
I gather from your post that your son is similar.
Fortunately, none of my close relatives or friends are red.
(5,126 posts)Tetrachloride
(8,608 posts)He also denounced John McCain as Republican In Name Only for ACA (ObamaCare) vote.
(16,385 posts)Buy him a nice foreign vacation in the fall. He won't be using "rigged" mail-in ballots.
(5,126 posts)He was telling me how the Russian soldiers were helping the Ukrainians who were leaving.
Now I don't think he would know a Polish soldier from a Russian soldier even if he was there in person.... but someone would help him figure it out, I'm sure.
(16,385 posts)I continue to post messages on the cult nature of the RWs. Effects are similar to addiction, and behavior is similar to mafia. But I decided that the message needs to be really short.
I borrowed "Fraud, Fear and Fascism" from Jaime Harrison, and
from another DU'er. "Every Accusation is a confession" ... namely "projection"
I'll clean that up and keep posting it. Why the heck not? I think it's the way to win.
But another of my posts emphasizes that you can't change cult behavior. It's up to professionals, and a struggle at that. The more common remedy is "hitting bottom" or just feeling betrayed (because lies are common with addiction and cults, since words are detached from meaning and are only weapons, used for effect, for the survival of the cult itself. (or addiction fighting a cure)
And in a practical sense, you can only pry away the not-so locked-in.
Good luck.