Related: About this forumExcuse me while I rant. and I mean rant.,
It seems to me that Voting is useless. Now, Now before you get your knickers in a twist hear me out. This is just a rant and I have not given up, and have been voting since I registered at 18 years of age, (1976). I like many of that era were fooled by Ronald Regan' smooth talking style, and persuasively smooth B.S. But as we continued to bleed Manufacturing jobs to Japan, then to Korea, and now to China. Nothing seemed to help. after Regan's lies I supported nothing but Democrats. But alas to no avail, jobs continued to slip away.
Then I noticed a subtitle change in the Media in the late 70's and early 80's. it was that nothing seemed to be reported with any sense of fair play. eventually the Media began to out right lie! Even PBS began to tow the same anti worker lies. I felt lost in a sea of B.S. That's when when I discovered WBAI 99.5 FM NY. I saw it as a last breath of fresh air. in a atmosphere of smog. if it was too left slanted at the very least it was a counter balance to the Lies of the right wing media. This at least gave a bit of Hope, for a while.
I see now what is going on. it's a war! It's a long slogging, dirty, lying, messy war between we who have the Nation's best interest at heart, we who love of fellow country men as well as the Nation. and them the lying thieves who will steel not only grannies last dollar, her grandchild's food, while forcing her Children into working for poverty level wadges.
I'm so sick of the never ending party discussions like," you were never meant to live on minimum wadge." Yeah!? why do you suppose it was called the Minimum living wage law!? "Why should fast food help get $15/ Hour?" so they can fee their kids? or even themselves? If you all hate socialism so much then stay off the roads, and move to Somalia. What is wrong with these people? don't they see that "by the grace of goodness their go they"? Don't they get it? The Rev. Martin Niemöller was right by who they would come after next? Does what remain of the Middle class and FOX devotees understand that they will be forgotten once their usefulness as a tool is over?
When I see the GOP employing the same Parliamentary tactics as the Nazis' did during the Hindenburg government, I cringe.
The old German war bride who lived up the street from me was right when she once said, "I understand how you feel, Bill. I watched it happen in Germany years ago when I was a girl. Now I see it happening here. It's time to be quiet, it's time to get ready to help, you must Maintain the outward appearance of a good citizen, but don't be fooled, it's going to be much worse."
So I still vote, but I'm loosing hope, I know the wealthy are looking for some Tea bagger that they can control. the one they can make President. The rich who bankrolled Hitler thought they could control him. what makes the Koch bros. and those like them, think they could control their tool. If History Repeated itself would anyone notice? I think not. What's even worse, "those who do not study History are doomed to repeat it." How about the rest of us who did study history? are we tied to the bumper for the ride?
Thanks I feel Better.
(8,159 posts)But I feel exactly the same way. I feel exasperated that no one in my area seems to notice what this country is turning into.
(160,815 posts)welcome to DU
(10,519 posts)Complete Campaign Finance Reform (CCFR)! This is the core of where we gain our Government back so they will fight like hell! They write the laws, pick who runs for office, and they do it on the County level on up. We need a Charismatic leader who will not be bought off to keep it focused. We need to organize rally's and keep doing so until we get big enough to make the change. The politicians will not do it without enough protest in THEIR district before they could be forced to do the right thing. It is not enough to say we will elect "good" people to office. We have been doing that since the beginning. They go there and are made to realize they can do little on their own and if they don't play ball they will be out after only 1 term. The perks are extremely nice and they do not wish to lose them. They are made wealthy through land sales and purchases. Do you think that Rick Perry, who has worked in government his whole life got rich on the side b/c he was smart? It's called, "I buy a million dollar property for $5,000 from corporation A, sell it later to corporation B for much more.... CCFR PEOPLE!!!
(11,197 posts)Feel free to rant like that any time you want.
(12,693 posts)was about the same time network news divisions became beholden to advertisers. The first rule of broadcasting is please your sponsors. The second rule is do not displease your sponsors.
It was downhill from there.
Welcome to DU.
(2 posts)When I first watched TV in the '50's, news was an FCC mandated public service networks provided in exchange for their licenses to broadcast. Many people watched the news because it was one of the best sources of immediate information. Radio had no pictures and newspapers were slow.
Networks soon caught on that even though news was considered a cost of doing business, viewers tended to leave the same channel on after the news through prime time. Competition for viewers began in earnest. Originally, credibility and insight with such notables as Edward R Morrow was used to gain viewers. Slowly, though, sensationalism and celebrity hype crept in. As cable started to compete for viewers, the sacrifice of dignity for more hype was made.
After Reagan refused to sign the bill codifying the FCC Fairness Doctrine, outright lies and slander became legal on the airwaves. News could be twisted and pumped up not only to get more viewers, but also to manipulate them. FOX Spews and Rush Limberger are not welcome in Canada, because our Northern neighbors still have a policy similar to our long dead Fairness Doctrine. Isn't it too bad we still don't have it here? Perhaps the hate and fear mongers on talk radio and cable would at least be a little inhibited in tearing apart our nation.
(11 posts)The subject that effects ALL others. Totally agree with you well put rant of truth. RANT AWAY MR. RIBS
(45,319 posts)apologies simply has not earned my ear when it comes to sussing out political choices. Ronnie was elected in 1980, but you voted Republican 1976-1984 or 85.....
Perhaps your wisdoms kicked in late. You say you were fooled by 'Ronald Regan' smooth talking style, and persuasively smooth B.S' but I remember Reagan differently.
What Reagan said prior to his election to the presidency:
"If there has to be a bloodbath, then let's get it over with."
--Ronald Reagan (Governor of California), cited in the San Francisco Chronicle, early morning edition, May 15, 1969. (Reagan reveals how he intends to quell student protests in the city of Berkeley, California. Protesters were teargassed and fired upon with buckshot, killing one, blinding another, and wounding 128. Reagan would later declare a state of emergency in the city and send in 2,700 National Guard troops.)
"Fascism was really the basis for the New Deal."
--Ronald Reagan, cited in Time, May 17, 1976
"All the waste in a year from a nuclear power plant can be stored under a desk."
--Ronald Reagan (Republican candidate for president), cited in the Burlington (Vermont) Free Press, February 15, 1980. (In reality, the average nuclear reactor generates 30 tons of radioactive waste per year.)
You found that to be 'smooth and persuasive? I remember Ronnie as a vicious governor and candidate. He was not 'smooth and persuasive' he spouted right wing stupidity, for years and years he was a known entity. You knew who and what you were voting for. They all did.
(38,758 posts)Reagan dems. That was a start of the turning to the right, of the Democratic party. When Reagan poked fun at the word liberal, dem politicians backed away from the word & soon after, the policies, as well. They saw the corporate gravy train & they wanted on the ride. The parties now play good copy/bad cop, only it's morphed into bad cop/insane cop.
I agree with the above poster about getting money out of our electoral process, but I don't know how you get a group of self serving assholes, to pass legislation, that will curtail the very thing that they greatly benefit from. I no longer believe that change will come via the voting booth.
It's the Love of money that's the root of all evil.
(787 posts)At the time I depended on MSM to keep me informed. See where that led me. 1976- Carter, 80- Anderson, 84- Regan, I will always regret this. But voting then as now is an exercise in fultility.
(23 posts)Please "like" us at
We can take political power from the Special Interests and return it to the citizenry by greatly reducing our congressional district sizes. Over-sized districts subvert representative democracy!
This non-partisan and constitutional solution is explained in "Taking Back Our Republic", a pamphlet that can be downloaded from this page: