Related: About this forumShould Biden Run??? I'm not sure
Biden is way better than any Republican or possible Independent candidate I know of...
However - I don't like age descrimination but he is pretty old
I'm not sure I agree with his foreign policy - work with China man... they should not be our adversary, the world needs them and so do we. We need Peace - we should work harder to end the Russian invasion of Ukraine and stop this horrible and stupid war.
Somehow I wish we would have worked harder to stop the horrible conflict in Syria.
I like Janet Yellen!
Like how Biden worked with the Democratic Congress!
Pete's doing a satisfactory job.
We need more Dem's or progressives in Congress - House and Senate
We don't have a lot of time to dither regarding climate change caused by human use of fossil fuels.
No MORE Nukes!
So anyway/
I'd rather have Biden if that's the only choice,
Could we do better?
What do you think?
(34,561 posts)doing a heck of a job.
(8,675 posts)NoMoreRepugs
(10,739 posts)Not for me there isnt.
(225,912 posts)And I also agree with others that he's done a heck of a job, especially considering the mess he was left with. And whether or not he decides to run again, I'm grateful that he won - and won big - this time around. After 36 years in the Senate and 8 years in the Executive ranch (if you remember, Obama chose him for his foreign policy experience) he's the most experienced POTUS in our history and he's exactly the leader we needed for this perilous time.
(29,895 posts)Waterguy
(278 posts)Why?
You might be right, but why do you say No?
Why No.
What don't you agree with?
(29,895 posts)There will be no qualified Democrat that will primary Biden.
Biden has accomplished more than most presidents.
Changes horses wont win. It falls right in Republican hands.
Headlines: Dems know Biden has dementia
Democrats in disarray.
Trump will never be president again.
And these not Biden posts get old and repetitive.
(52,469 posts)anyone else in the arena. Plus he is doing a fucking-A job in just about every way he can! He certainly should run and he will win!
(278 posts)Hey, I'll vote for him if he runs.
You can bank on that.
But ---
He's not the best public speaker. He's no Obmana, but that's just one thing.
OBama would have gone the same route regarding policy - or at least very much the same.
and then there's age. This is an important consideration, I'm not sure I like the idea of Harris taking over.
Look, I don't have a bad thing to say about her but I just don't think she is presidential material.
But--- without question I like Joe Biden.
He was once a better speaker - I've seen him give excellent speeches back about twenty years ago.
He's a good man, honest and caring. No question about that!
(45,654 posts)In the end I believe he will accomplish more progressive legislation than Obama was able to.
I dont understand your feelings about Harris, they dont seem very concrete or have any factual basis?
At any rate in the unlikely case that Biden is unable to serve because something horrible happened to him she would do a decent job of finishing his term. I expect she would rise to the occasion.
(29,895 posts)No one expected him to be Obama.
You dont like Biden you dont like Harris.
The age thing is irrelevant.
Just throwing bombs? Your insistence that you like him doesnt seem to ring true to me.
(278 posts)I wouldn't disagree with you
On the score of working with the progressive wing in the house - and considering the slim margin in the Senate
He got a lot of good bills passed.
He worked with Nancy Pelosi - and she should get a lot of credit from everyone!
The plan was bigger - there's a whole lists of wise expenditures that didn't go through because they couldn't
because of 2 senators... but that's another story
I like his economic advisors!
Janet Yellen is perfect as Treasury Secretary
I like Rouse who was confirmed, I have always respected
Jared Bernstein - I trust him when he says he wants to
increase the middle class/ restore workers unions /
I trust him and the entire economic team regarding the basic things that matter to all americans
however -
I'm not sure I agree with his foreign policy stance thus far.
Trumps tariffs on China should have been abandoned immediately.
We should have started off trying to work more with China and cutoff the
spurious tough - we're stronger than you - nonsense.
We need to talk through how Covid was handled without pointing any fingers.
We appreciate what China did to stop the spread. We need to softly mention to China
that we need to work together and open up talks; whenever there is a pathogen that
affects all nations we all need to cooperate.
Who would be better - It's always hard to truthfully say when you have to consider who
can be elected, but I like Elizabeth Warren.
(45,654 posts)She and Biden have a good working relationship and he listens to her advice.
(278 posts)Warren demostrates she can explain the truth better.
And yes, while she will be more combative,
she's better at expressing the compassion we need
to invigorate our youth!!!
(45,654 posts)in the primary?
I like Warren a lot.
However I disagree on your assessment of who expresses compassion better. Thats Biden hands down.
Take care.
(12,268 posts)And he's not done yet.
(45,654 posts)emulatorloo
(45,654 posts)Dithering, that is significant progress.
I could be wrong, but it sounds like you may not be keeping up with all the legislation Biden has got through a very divided congress.
I can totally understand that, it is hard to keep up because the media really doesnt report much on Bidens and Democrats accomplishments.
Much of the legislation is progressive too.
Were you able to see the SOTU, where Biden pushed Republicans into a corner so that they ended up promising to protect Medicare and Social Security? He was masterful.
Hes smart, tough, compassionate.
Hes been an excellent President so far. I dont see any reason to give up the incumbency advantage.
As to his age, he is both physically and mentally younger than the number. Trump is younger and compare him to Biden. Biden is physically fit and mentally sharp. I believe Biden is mentally sharper than DeSantis as well, and he is certainly a better person.
He can beat Trump and he can beat DeSantis.
So personally I dont think we can do better.
Take care.
(278 posts)I already praised Biden for passing the biggest bill to fight climate change!
I used the word "dither", to point out that we need the world to work together to fight climate change.
This is why we need to work with China!!!
What I meant to say was that we (the world) cannot afford to dither
But I digress - you are correct to say that passing large bills that support moving away from fossil fuels
absolutely do show the world that we mean business in the US, regarding doing something!
It's a diplomacy issue I have with the Biden Administration that I feel falls short.
I think he tries to be tough with China - to show that he's tough on the domestic side (domestic politics in the US is old person school)
I say fight for what is right (young people school)
So this means - you work with China - you show that you are honest and at the same time you show that you don't take bullshit for an answer - but that comes later on...
any way I'm not a yes man to any political party.
(33,989 posts)Best person for the job.
(3,447 posts)We need to put all our money and all our efforts into expanding the Senate majority (make Manchin & Sinema irrelevant) and regaining the majority in the House. Biden has got this and has been very effective!! AND he can win.
Let's put our efforts where they really matter!! If we give him majorities in the House and Senate, Biden can finish putting the policies he campaigned on into full effect, and so much more.
So what he's not young!! He has the knowledge, the experience, and a top-notch staff that can get the job done. I think Biden is exactly the right steady hand for the job of President in these dangerous times, and I am SO glad he is willing to do it again for another 4 years!!
I could not agree that we should put all our money and efforts into expanding the Senate majority, and of course taking back the House.
This part you said I like:
"So what he's not young!! He has the knowledge, the experience, and a top-notch staff that can get the job done. I think Biden is exactly the right steady hand for the job of President in these dangerous times, and I am SO glad he is willing to do it again for another 4 years!!"
See the dichotomy here is the same as it has historically always been.
Was it FDR who said - make me do it?
What do you want to do? See the world as it is --- .
Yellen is top notch / Banks need to protect depositors money - issue number 1
We have not shored up our banks responsibilities to the depositors - and this is a major
trust issue that needs to be corrected.
Banks also provide loans - create.
Yellen was the Fed Chair - Person, and a darn good one!
Expand Government - in a progressive way with checks and balances --- and yes, Democracy!!!
(416 posts)If Biden runs he DESERVES our support. Joe Biden is literally the most legislatively successful President in modern history.
This shit passes me no end
I am not allowed to legitimately criticize Bernie Sanders on DU....but this agist crap is allowed?
(137,338 posts)thanks
(278 posts)I will support Biden if he runs!!!
Not because he's a Democrat - it's not a political them against us.
But it still needs to be discussed.
It's the way things go down that worry me.
Look - the way the Biden Team didn't stand up for itself
when it got out of Afghanistan.
Obama said we would pull out by 2014.
The Inspector General showed that the US wasted billions
and made the situation for the people in Afghanistan worse
since a lot of the money ended up supporting the Taliban
through Pakistan.
Biden got it right by ending it immediately.
Our military people did an incredible heroic job
considering the abrupt decision which I believe
was the correct one!
War war war - from the Russion invasion (of Afghanistan) to the Taliban,
there were serious mistakes (from geopolitical factions all around) from the get-go.
It's a big bag of wrong. Yet Biden ended it, and he
deserves credit for removing the US Military from Afghanistan!
What I don't support is the way it was portrayed.
And look, the people who assisted the US, and are on the
Taliban's hitlist need to have major priority to getting out
and becoming US citizens if this is what they choose to do.
I believe the Biden Administration is still working to make this happen.
And they should say it, as well as demonstrate this.
You have to compel the electorate on both sides
of the isle
when you lead.
(416 posts)How fucking stupid would we have to be to kick our own asses and HAND IT TO THE FASCISTS???
You have a horse with a WINNING RECORD! Not "just a Democrat"!
THE most Legislatively successful President in modern History! Period EOM
How fucking WEAK do we want to appear if cannot even GET BEHIND A CHAMPION horse? Do you WANT them to win??
All it is IS Agism.....if this was the Record of a person younger.....THERE WOULD NOT BE A QUESTION AT ALL!
I bet if his name was Bernie Sanders you would not give a second thought to HIS age.
Do NOT give into THEIR propaganda about Joe Biden!
As far as the Pullout of Afghanistan....that was TRUMP that surrendered to the Taliban not Biden. BIDEN DID WHAT AMERICANS WANTED....he got us the fuck outta there. In less time and with more of our allies in tow than after Viet Nam.
And BY THE WAY....Obama chose Joe Biden BECAUSE of his Foreign Policy experience that he himself lacked...
And then let's talk about the support he has from our NATO Allies.....and the helluva job he is putting Putin in a box for the next decade
Agism is no different than any other form of discrimination.....I give Jimmy Fucking Carter to support my claim.
(137,338 posts)NO ONE around with better experience.
(36,898 posts)lost a general election. So I trust him when it comes to elections. We should only dump him if we went to Lose, which we dont.