I'm really frustrated! Can't scroll (or verrrry slow) with my touch pad and
it's driving me crazy. It just started a few days ago. I can scroll at work w/ my mouse, but I don't use it at home because I usually have my PC on my lap propped up in bed. Does anyone know what the problem is or what I can do?
I tried to look it up, but I am too impatient and too ADD to figure it out. Thanks in advance!
(7,715 posts)Often clears this problem up for me.
(63,221 posts)It's a work PC, I am thinking they did some update that might have messed something up.
(33,643 posts)Almost every laptop will have a program available for 'touchpad settings' ... hover over each icon til you find it, then double-click it ... look through the various tabs or screens til you find something that's roughly like 'scroll X number of lines at a time', and turn it up ... going from whatever it is now to like 5x larger a number is a good start.
(63,221 posts)It's a work PC if that means anything. I went to touchpad settings in "settings" but could still not find anything that said "scroll X number of lines at a time". The PC has been acting up lately and it's fairly new (at the beginning of the year). There is no problem w/ the mouse, just the touchpad. Anyway, thank you very much for your help!
(33,643 posts)I'm positive that Windows itself has this setting for a mouse, try turning it up, it may apply to the touchpad as well.
Right-Click Windows Start/Settings/Devices/Mouse (in sidebar menu), in the main panel you should see 'Choose How Many Lines to Scroll Each Time', and turn it up.
(63,221 posts)cranked everything way up. It moves, but barely. I can click on the white space and scroll down that way. It's just driving me crazy. I may have to call the help desk and have them take over my desk top to figure it out. Sometimes, technology drives me insane.
Anyway, thank you very much for your help! I really appreciate it!
(3,464 posts)The scroll pad on my Dell laptop is atrocious so my PC guy told me to go to Office Max/Staples and buy an external mouse and to make sure it was not bluetooth capable.