Anybody ever have a P201 error come up when installing Dreamweaver
or any other Adobe product? I'm using Windows 10 (laptop is home edition, desktop is pro edition).
I'm taking a Javascript class starting on Wednesday from Skillforge and I just got the links for setting up my system. I've tried it on my laptop (I used the eduroam wifi network, removed McCaffee, even turned off Windows Defender). I've tried it on my desktop which is hard wired to our secure network (with or without Windows Defender.
I also have 2 Adobe accounts (work and personal).
The file downloads with no problem (done it 3x and the filesize is always the same). Install won't get past 18%. I called Skillforge for their tech support, and they said they haven't had an issue before. I looked at both Adobe's site for installing trial software and issues, and have tried the things they mention, and still can't get past the 18%. From what I've read on support sites, it seems like I've tried everything that's been suggested (booting from safe mode, turning off virus/firewall protections while running the install, wired vs wifi network connections...)
Any ideas besides tossing the darned computer out the window? Totally frustrated here. Especially with the difference between a pro version on my desk at work and the home version on my own laptop.
Mr. Big
(45 posts)woodsprite
(12,323 posts)BUT, since I'm getting exactly the same thing both with my desktop machine PLUS my new laptop, I doubt that editing the hosts file will help. I talked to the support tech from SkillForge, and he said that I should be fine using Sublime Text, which installed without a problem. Also, since I talked to him, I've installed Sublime Text add-ons, WinSCP, Chrome, and a couple of other things we use in house. No problem with any of them.
I've had lunch and am in a better headspace this afternoon. I just didn't want to have what the instructor expected and lose class time because of it. Came into work today already in a bad mood (son helped with that), then was totally frustrated with this install, Windows 10, Defender and McCafee. If we had a scream room here at work, I would have been using it this morning!
Thanks for the link! I bookmarked it and will work on this issue after the class is done because "darnit" the install should work!