Election Reform
Related: About this forumDoes this group want or need a host? Please discuss.
This is the new info about having a host sent to me by Skinner.
"Does your Group need a Host at all?
The first thing that needs to happen in any Group before someone is assigned as a Host, is that the regulars in that group need come to some general agreement that they want a Host at all. The position of Host (especially the most senior Host) holds a significant amount of power in a group -- with the abilities to lock threads, hire and fire other Hosts, and block people out of the group. Are you sure you want to hand that power over to anyone?
Keep in mind that if you do not choose to have a Host, your group will still enjoy some amount of protection. No matter where they are posted, violations of our Community Standards are handled by the random member juries. So even if your group does not have a Host, there is still a system in place that will be able to handle disruptive posts in the group.
With that in mind, there may be some Groups where it might make sense to leave the position of Host vacant:
* If your group is dedicated to a non-controversial topic, then there is probably no harm in assigning someone as a Host. You are unlikely to need someone to lock threads or block people out of the group, but it might be useful to have someone who can take ownership of the group.
* If your group is a "Safe Haven" where only one viewpoint is welcome, then you should probably assign a Host to help run the group. It is likely that you will need a Host to lock off-topic threads and block out people who disagree with the purpose of the group.
* If your group plays host to open debate on a particular topic, and welcomes a wide range of viewpoints, then the choice might not be so simple. If you select a Host, it needs to be someone who is trusted to be fair by people holding a wide range of viewpoints. You may decide that it is better not to assign anyone as the Host of your group, to avoid the risk that that person might use their power to benefit a particular viewpoint.
If you decide that you do wish to have someone assigned as the Host of your group, the next step is to pick someone. The first person selected as Host holds the most power in the Group. The first can add and remove other Hosts, but no other Hosts can remove the first Host. In short: Choose someone you trust."

Melissa G
(10,170 posts)I would be willing with some good support, but I am not convinced we need one. We need to have a discussion of all the regular posters so we can decide. Thanks to everyone in advance for their input. This forum rocks!
(6,954 posts)I recall some spirited debates, but few that got really nasty, and I don't recall many disruptive intrusions either. However, I'm not opposed to having a host either, and I would trust you to be fair as a host.
Melissa G
(10,170 posts)Richard Charnin
(69 posts)What is the value-added of having a Host?
Let's defer consideration of a Host and see how things go.
Melissa G
(10,170 posts)I would just prefer if we do that to do it with discussion and make it a conscious choice.
(163,986 posts)Whatever decision you make or have made, is fine by me. You'd be a great host, Melissa G.
Melissa G
(10,170 posts)I appreciate the support. I guess the question is do we even need a host? So far, so good as far as I can tell.
Stuff a host is good for is pinning threads to the top of the forum. This might of been good when were were doing so much election research back as we did in 2004-5. It might of been good for the daily election reform news back when we did that. At the moment, I am not seeing a need for pinned threads.
We also don't show up on the Greatest Page out of this forum. Considering getting the news out about what was happening votewise was one of our better purposes, I'm a little personally baffled by this challenge to our function as a group.
(163,986 posts)just because we don't need them today.
And considering how careful this forum is about sourcing and so on, it also makes no sense to me to exclude our threads from the Greatest Page.
Melissa G
(10,170 posts)I like the idea of having a host advocate for things this group might need with the admins-access to Greatest page might be one of those things.
(163,986 posts)
Bill Bored
(5,472 posts)And will our discussions appear in search engine results? They used to.
It's not surprising that there is going to be less exposure by design now: when this group was a forum, it was seen by DU management as conspiracy theorizing. This does not apply to all posts by all members, but management probably felt that election fraud was too difficult to prove with certainty. With current voting tech and election laws, I tend to agree. Even states with paper ballots don't count them by hand to any great extent; a number of different courts have said not to -- not just SCOTUS (Bush v. Gore).
I wouldn't try to censor discussion but given the difficulty of proving vote-counting fraud, some of the discussion can get a bit old. For example, there was no consensus that poll results proved vote switching occurred on a large scale, but this debate dragged on and on until someone got banned (not sure why that happened exactly, but it did have the effect of freeing up the forum for other discussions).
If we had a host, would this make a difference? Could a host appeal to management and ask for the group to become a forum, or otherwise become less obscure?
We face huge difficulties in achieving vote-count integrity given current technology. It may get worse before it gets WORSE if Internet voting takes off. But the bait and switch that paper ballots (counted mostly by computers) have become should also be exposed. There is a huge amount of misunderstanding about this, even among participants on the ER forum, when it was a forum.
I don't think a host is essential and if the forum is doomed to obscurity by design anyway -- host or no host -- it won't matter.
FWIW, I've seen you try to moderate discussions fairly in the past, Melissa G. So I'd have no problem with you hosting this group.
Melissa G
(10,170 posts)As far as coming up in google searches, some posts do and some don't.
Greatest Page seems to be able to be set for political and non political settings. I'm not sure if we come up on political. (I'm supposed to be working ... and have not had time to check.)
If we decide we want to think about a host, we can have a thread about what we would like said host to explore.
I'm all for a 'step by step' approach.
(13,211 posts)SO I had to read on groups @DU, but they seem to operate nearly the same. And I can tell you groups @DK are great. and on that basis I would recommend starting a ER group with a host, more hosts can be added, so it would be a team effort.
MG and I go back a 5-6 years & think she would make a fine first host, secondary hosts can be added later.
Melissa G
(10,170 posts)This whole group thing is new to me. I have the ability to post at DK but only go there when one of my buddies here requests that I do so, or posts a must see link.
(34,657 posts)MG would be great!
Melissa G
(10,170 posts)Hope to see you around here more to liven up the place!
(26,795 posts)And you'd make a great one. That's why I rec'd the thread last week.

Melissa G
(10,170 posts)Last edited Wed Jan 4, 2012, 09:08 AM - Edit history (1)
I appreciate the only rec to the thread.
So far, we have one maybe, one wait and see for a while and 3 yes let's try a host.
So far, the only hat in the ring for host is me.
I'm inclined to wait another day for any more input and then start a thread for what we might want a host to do if the input does not vary from the current history.
L. Coyote
(51,134 posts)Melissa G
(10,170 posts)WillYourVoteBCounted
(14,622 posts)Its alot of responsibility for whoever is a host.
If someone wants to I guess ok but often folks here disagree so it would be tough.
I don't like DU so much anymore!
Bleh, its harder to read, less user friendly.
I wouldn't be surprised if the site is getting less traffic.
Sorry to be a whiner, but yuck!
Melissa G
(10,170 posts)I agree that ease of operation and payoff for effort on the new site are currently more challenging.
I'm hoping time and effort will alleviate some of these problems.
You don't sound like you are whining to me -just expressing your experience.
(10,967 posts)First, I have not yet subscribed to this group, but at one time was extremely active on this topic and continue to feel it merits top priority for all DU'er's.
Second, I generally favor a free-for-all approach.
But third, I came here today hoping to find or suggest a thread pinned to the top of the group containing recommended reading -- I'd really like to see a succinct list of books & authors on this subject, ideally with links to full texts.
So to conclude, I think I'd favor a host, but with a light hand.
(Also, I'm not clear on the mechanism for replacing hosts, if we somehow got one we didn't like. Is there a recall process?)
Thanks to everyone hear for keeping this topic going!
(163,986 posts)imo.
She's navigated some very hairy disagreements here as lightly and effectively as possible and I know that as an occasional hothead.
What do we need to do to move this forward?