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Related: About this forumBrexit party activist says he obtained Kim Darroch cables
Source: The Guardian
Steven Edginton says his name was left out of original story to avoid possible controversy
Owen Bowcott and Jim Waterson
Sun 21 Jul 2019 15.39 BST Last modified on Sun 21 Jul 2019 16.15 BST
New questions have emerged over leaks of confidential UK diplomatic cables criticising Donald Trump after a 19-year-old Brexit activist was revealed to be the person who obtained them.
In a lengthy feature in the Mail on Sunday, Steven Edginton, who describes himself as a freelance journalist and who since April has worked for the Brexit party, said he was passed Sir Kim Darrochs briefings on the White House.
The messages, sent from the Washington embassy to the Foreign Office, described Trumps administration as inept and utterly dysfunctional.
Darroch resigned from his post after the president tweeted his fury at the comments, labelling Darroch a pompous fool. Foreign Office veterans, however, defended the ambassadors cables as nothing more than the type of frank talk expected of diplomats.
Read more: https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2019/jul/21/brexit-party-steven-edginton-darroch-cables

(43,049 posts)is still around leaking that memo would be as close to a hanging offense as they have these days.
(48,454 posts)European Parliament elections
The Brexit Party won the most votes and became the largest single national party in the European Parliament, being the dominant choice of those who had voted to leave the European Union. The votes of those who had voted to remain were more fragmented: the Liberal Democrats made substantial gains, finishing second nationally, while the Green Party and Scottish National Party also improved on their 2014 result, however, Change UK failed to win any seats. Compared to the 2014 result, the Labour Party and the Conservative Party suffered enormous losses, and the previously dominant UK Independence Party failed to elect any MEPs.
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(10,116 posts)The GOP sleazebags like Roger Stone called it ratfucking in the 1970s.Ratfucking" was a term used by Richard Nixon's campaign insiders to describe electoral fraud and dirty tricks they used against their opponents. The term was coined by political operative Don Segretti, who claimed it had come from his college days when he stuffed ballot boxes for student government candidates. Segretti was hired by the Committee to Re-elect the President (CREEP) to work his ratfucking magic for Nixon in the 1972 elections
Seems like the Brexiteers have adopted the tactic.