United Kingdom
Related: About this forumTories round on Boris Johnson amid furious backlash after ambassador's resignation over leaked Trump
Sir Kim Darroch said his job had become "impossible" after the leak of diplomatic memos highly critical of Donald Trump's administration.
His decision is understood to have been made after Mr Johnson repeatedly refused to support him during a televised Tory leadership debate on Wednesday.
Foreign office minister Sir Alan Duncan has absolutely torn into Boris Johnson over the resignation of Sir Kim Darroch.
Asked if Johnson should have defended the ambassador, Sir Alan said: "Yes he should have done so. The current foreign secretary Jeremy Hunt gave him full support, so did the PM, so did the cabinet.
"A former foreign sec who thinks he that is equipped to be PM has basically thrown him under the bus.
"MPs on both sides of the house are absolutely livid and I think the conduct of BJ has discredited him enormously in the eyes of many people in this country."
I saw Sir Alan on politicis live doing this interview - I thought his head might explode in anger. In last nights debate it was obvious that Boris was handing power over international diplomacy to that mad fucker in the White House.

(7,934 posts)Standing by Trump has got to be toxic
(9,685 posts)This is unlikely to happen
(21,615 posts)Im in the US. Im trying to follow and understand the entire Brexit situation, while dealing with our ongoing disaster here in the US.
(9,685 posts)He will be voted leader of the Tory party and as the tory party is the party in power he will automatically become PM without having to go to the polls.
He may call an early election but I don't think he will.
What I think will happen is as follows:
Boris will try and force through a no deal Brexit as PM
Parliament will tell him to take a hike and bring forward a vote of no confidence in his government
The Queens will dissolve Parliament and call an election
The Conservatives and the Brexit Party will form an alliance to split the vote in Labour heartlands that voted Brexit but would never vote for the Conservative Party
There will be a coalition Conservative / Brexit Party government with the majority in Parliament and they will insist based on this that the country has voted for a no deal Brexit
The government under Boris will last about 18 months until the full effects on the economy of a no deal Brexit become clear
At that point who the hell knows what will happen...
(21,615 posts)I phrased my question incorrectly. I do know that his party will vote for a leader who will become the PM.
So sorry you are suffering through this never ending political disaster.
We are horrified at both what is happening here and in the UK.
Hopefully, the 2020 elections here will be in the Democrats favor, so that we can begin to repair our relationship with the UK and with our European allies.
(46,583 posts)I would think this would be major security issue. Whoever gets caught will be in deep shit (unless they're the one seizing power). Very curious.
(9,685 posts)....
(14,829 posts)....from certain anti EU / pro Trump quarters.
It's very notable that Brexshitters, in their endless quest for ideological purity have started to turn on the Civil Service for not being wildly enthusiastic about the project to leave the EU.
(8,409 posts)Farage/Banks propagandist extraordinaire.
Some may remember her, as well as from her frequent appearances on the BBC, as being the journo embroiled in the Vicky Pryce/Chris Huhne affair that saw both of them locked up, the allegations about ex-PM Cameron cavorting with a pig's head, and her belated revelation that she long had evidence of Arron Banks's close involvement with the Russian government. She only came clean about it to play the story down when it emerged through other outlets in October last year:
How a Journalist Kept Russias Secret Links to Brexit Under Wraps
LONDONThe extent of Russias interference in the 2016 votes for Trump and Brexit has been investigated by intelligence agencies, congressional and parliamentary inquiries, the FBI and special counsel Robert Muellers office for more than a year.
For much of that time, a reporter in England has been in possession of extraordinary details about Russias cultivation and handling of Brexits biggest bankroller. Arron Banks was secretly in regular contact with Russian officials from 2015 to 2017, according to a cache of emails apparently not seen in those Transatlantic investigations until they were published in Britain on Sunday.
Banks, who ran the Leave.EU campaign group, was one of the first foreign political figures to visit Donald Trumpaccompanying Nigel Farage to Trump Towersoon after the shock presidential election of 2016. Farage is reportedly a person of interest in the FBIs Trump-Russia investigation.
Isabel Oakeshott, a former Sunday Times journalist who ghost-wrote Banks book, The Bad Boys of Brexit, was granted access to his emails in the summer of 2016 in order to help draft the diaries. The book mentions one meeting at the Russian embassy which has been the focus of great interest ever since, especially amid questions about where Banks sourced the multi-million pound funding of Brexit. He has denied the money came from Russia.
Oakeshott is currently threatening to sue the Guardian's political sketch writer John Crace for an article he wrote rather clumsily implying that her links to Farage and Banks are even closer that hitherto imagined:

(8,409 posts)The journalist who sparked the resignation of Britains US ambassador is in a relationship with Nigel Farages Brexit Party chairman.
Isabel Oakeshott who revealed Sir Kim Darrochs leaked Donald Trump emails has been with MEP Richard Tice since last year.
Mr Tice, 54, wants Sir Kim replaced by a pro-Brexit businessman a description which fits both himself and Mr Farage.
Ms Oakeshott, 45, yesterday refused to comment on her relationship with the politician, who has left his wife Emma, saying: Its a private matter.
Tice wasn't mentioned specifically by Crace, and the Guardian quickly toned down the already tame not-quite innuendo in Crace's sketch under pressure from Oakeshott, changing "leave it conveniently tucked under her pillow" (which might make one think of the Tooth Fairy sooner than an allegation of a Brexiter threesome if one didn't have a guilty conscience) to "leave it conveniently to one side for her".
Meanwhile ... UK police identify suspect behind leaked envoy memos: Sunday Times