Related: About this forumWhat election rules? U.S.-style attack time comes to Canada
Anonymous donors, no accountability, all fair in the PAC-land of pre-writ electioneeringBy Chris Hall, CBC News Posted: Jun 25, 2015 5:00 AM ET Last Updated: Jun 25, 2015 10:39 AM ET
But a growing number of third parties are exploiting a loophole in the law that puts no serious restrictions on how much is raised or spent before the campaign officially begins.
Engage Canada was started by two former senior Liberal staffers in Ontario, Don Guy and Dave Gene, and Kathleen Monk, an equally prominent federal NDP strategist. Take my word for it, because you won't find any disclosure of who is behind the group from its website.
On the other side is HarperPAC. The name tells you all you need to know.
The group is a "political action committee" in the U.S. mould and dedicated to re-electing the Harper government.
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Richard Sharp: (comment)
Harper has overwheming corporate support, including the corporate media. Not only do they run the attack ads, 49 of the top 50 English newspapers supported Harper in 2011. The Star endorsed Layton.
Harper has also spent a billion or more in government advertising patting himself on the back. So, it's hardly a level playing field.
harper has exploited every loophole in the system after promising better. "you won't recognize Canada when i'm through with it." was more like a threat.

(55,101 posts)the US style of every four years instead of the system we had, now we know.
I loathe harper with every fibre of my being.
It is going to be a long, ugly 5 months instead of the 6 weeks we used to have.
(20,582 posts)It is going to be long and ugly, I've already started seeing the lame ads smearing Trudeau (I'm NDP all the way) - they seem to have been written by a 12 year old. So damn lame. I hate that we've come to this, it makes me so sad to see.
(55,101 posts)I thought Mulroney's government was incredibly corrupt but, damn, their corruption was child's play compared to the "Harper government". It used to be 'government of Canada' but Canada no longer counts, only harper does.
I will be voting strategically in October. Whichever candidate, Liberal or NDP, looks more likely to take the seat from the Cons, they have my vote.
I normally vote Liberal but will vote strategically most of the time to try not to split the vote and let harper win while 60% of voters voted anyone but him.
One very good sign is the massive upset here in Alberta, the shock of it has reverberated across Canada with the result the NDP is being given greater consideration as capable of governing beyond the provincial level, VERY bad news for harper, not so good news for the Liberals either.
(20,582 posts)I will probably vote just as you do, we need desperately to be rid of the Cons, and I REALLY hope the NDP fever in Alberta spreads nationwide - the party needs to do more in getting out the messages and issues that won there. It really sucks that the majority of the media is in Harper's camp - both NDP and Liberals had better figure out how to overcome that. I'm excited about this election, but very worried, too.
(55,101 posts)I will say that Mulcair can come across as wooden but I think that is due more to his legal background than a personality aspect. I absolutely LOVED his attacks on harper during Question Period on the Duffy scandal, he was stellar and his legal background was a big positive then because he phrased his questions perfectly and left harper hanging in the wind.
I like Trudeau but I have to admit he is still green, gaff prone and has been walking that middle line in order to try and please everyone and it actually pleases very few. I am angry the Liberal party supported Bill C51, that was bullshit, imo, and a good example of that middle line I mentioned above.