Related: About this forumAnd now Rupert Murdoch wants his payoff from LNP.
The ABC's funding should be cut and the national broadcaster forced to sell advertising and paid subscriptions online to compete with commercial newspapers, Liberal Senator Cory Bernardi says.
"I don't want to see a state run media effectively dominating this landscape," the South Australian senator said.
Senator Bernardi's call for ABC funding cuts, which he made in an interview on ABC radio on Wednesday morning, comes amid widespread anger within the Coalition about the ABC's collaboration with The Guardian Australia to report on the alleged phone-tapping of the Indonesian President, its perceived left-wing tendencies and its $1.2 billion annual budget
''It is in the national interest, the budget interest, and the competitive media interest, that the broadcaster be separated,'' he later told Fairfax Media.
Sen. Bernardi shows his ignorance when he confuses "state-run media" with the concept of public broadcasting. Conservative politicans have long claimed that the ABC is run by pinko, left-wing feminists and commies of all sorts; perhaps because it is generally even-handed. Those on the Left, in fact, felt that the ABC showed considerable bias towards the LNP during the election campaign; quite possibly they feared that an Abbott government would cut funding and were attempting to ward off the cuts.
It is the phrase "in the ... competitive media interests" that goes to the heart of this attack on the ABC (known to Australians as "Aunty" . Nothing must be allowed to stand in the way of Rupert Murdoch making even more money and gaining even more control than he already has. If his newspapers didn't print so much rubbish, they wouldn't have so much to fear from Aunty.
Murdoch has long wanted to obtain Radio Australia, the broadcasting network that covers the Asia-Pacific and is currently run by the ABC. I don't doubt that these attacks are part of the plan to split up the ABC for the benefit of Murdoch. Rupert's support for political parties isn't given free.
And for our American friends, Cory Bernardi is a homophobic, racist, bigoted Right-wing Catholic fundamentalist who has spent time with Tea Party members in the U.S., studying their tactics. He's one of the ugliest of a very ugly government.

Dawson Leery
(19,408 posts)Matilda
(6,384 posts)Bernardi brought it to Australia.
(6,384 posts)The heading of an article I found from September 2012, just after Barnardi was sacked from the Shadow Cabinet for likening gay marriage to bestiality.
The article adds a bit to my description of Bernardi, calling him "the homophobic, Islamophobic, climate-change-denying, free-market Christian fundamentalist".
I may have erred in saying he's Catholic; I assumed because his father was an Italian immigrant that he would be Catholic, but he's very cagey about revealing just what his religion is, and I think perhaps he's not.
From the article: "... Bernardi is perhaps the Australian politician best connected to manifold manifestations of the far right of politics, not only in this country but internationally. And he is not just a networker he's an ideological entrepreneur, setting up franchise organisations as he goes. Bernardi's most important connections are with the Tea Party movement in the US.
"He has assiduously fostered links with the same right-wing think tanks, funders, vested interests and propagandists who underpin that movement in America. He has absorbed their techniques and is in turn training others in their ways."
And he is now gunning for the ABC. He obviously has Murdoch's backing - it's hardly a coincidence that attacks came on the same day from both the LNP party room and the Murdoch press. And it would be a mistake to underestimate Bernardi's influence - he was twice sacked from the LNP Shadow Cabinet. yet here he is back again, large as life, stirring up more trouble.
And he's Tony Abbott's man; his idealogical soulmate just a bit more open about it.
The Twitter hashtag #HandsOffMyABC started running today, and I think it will become much more active in the weeks ahead, as the Left and moderates organise to fight back against Bernardi and Friends.
(6,384 posts)One of Tony Abbott's backbenchers has accused some women of using abortion as "an abhorrent form of birth control" and labelled those who advocate pro-choice as "pro-death".
Liberal Senator Cory Bernardi has made the comments in his new book, The Conservative Revolution, in which he also calls for more flexible industrial relations laws, including a return to individual workplace agreements whereby penalty rates can be negotiated away.
The Federal Opposition is now urging Prime Minister Tony Abbott to completely disassociate himself from Senator Bernardi's "extraordinary reactionary agenda".
In his book Senator Bernardi rails against non-traditional families, surrogacy and euthanasia and calls on fellow conservatives to help to reverse the trends in social acceptance of changing attitudes.
And yep, he is Catholic, although very coy about it, and says he doesn't go to church regularly.
Tea Party rules!
(16,149 posts)Tanelorn
(359 posts)We have fought it before ,we will fight again.