Finley School Districts seeks to pass two propositions in February Special Election.
FINLEY, WA. - Voters living in the Finley School district will have two propositions to decide upon in the upcoming February election.
Proposition No. 1 seeks to replace the existing educational programs and operations levy, collecting $2.50 per $1,000 of assessed property value over the next two years. According to the Voter's Pamphlet, these expenses would include "teaching and support staff, school safety, instructional materials, special education, student programs and activities, band, art, drama, athletics, building maintenance and operations, smaller class sizes, as well as other educational programs and operations expenses."
Proposition No. 2 is a new levy aimed at making safety and security improvements throughout school facilities, collecting $0.23 per $1,000 of assessed property value over the next two years.
District leaders tell KEPR News this funding is vital to easing the current $2,000,000 shortfall in the budget and could see programs disappear without it.