Related: About this forumElectricity providers
Has anyone else recently changed electricity providers in Texas? It's been a nightmare for me. Been trying for 2 weeks to switch providers, as my 3-yr contract with Reliant Energy expires May 2.
The website ChooseEnergy.com is a farce. Half the companies listed there do not let you change online. You have to call them up, and then they offer you plans much more expensive than you see online. So it's just a giant bait-and-switch.
Texas deregulation of the energy market is just a fucking money grab. So fucking frustrated ...
There's much more to this story, but I'm wondering about other Texan's experiences.

Susan Calvin
(2,228 posts)You are right about Power to Choose being a joke. Constellation's website is a joke too. I imagine it's the same for all of them. I couldn't get a quote on a plan that didn't include covering my heat pump system any way except by calling them. When I called them I got an acceptable price, minus the quote on insuring my heat pump system, which I have had and won't again, because I had a technician I hired myself tell me that their technician let my compressor get very dirty and it was probably why I had to buy a new system. Not a huge deal as the old system was 20 years old and the new system is saving me money every month, but still.......
(4,292 posts)and don't really have any complaints.
(4 posts)Never had the option to choose as we're in a coop - GCEC (Grayson County Electric Coop). They just raised the price about 25-30% for the first time in over 10 years and it's still the cheapest bill in the area.
(9,840 posts)...but that's 10 miles too far.
Tried again today to talk with a human, and 20 minutes in, she just hung up on me. Accidental, I presume, but after all this hassle, seemed to be part of the plan.
I may go onto a floating rate with Reliant this time, just to see how good, or bad, it is. No cancellation fee if/when I find a better plan.