Related: About this forumPennsylvania couple drowns in Florida rip current while on vacation with their 6 children
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette link:
Brian Warter, 51, and 48-year-old Erica Wishard, and two of their mostly teenage children were caught in the current on Hutchinson Island, along Florida's southeast coast, the Martin County Sheriffs Office said in a Facebook post.
The kids were able to break the current and attempted to help their parents, but it became too dangerous and they were forced to swim ashore, investigators said.
Martin County Ocean Rescue attempted life-saving measures and took the couple to a local hospital where they were pronounced dead, according to the sheriff's office. A crisis intervention deputy is assisting the children while other family members travel to meet them in Florida.
WPVI-TV reported the couple was from Chester County.
Details are incomplete - however the AP news story reports that the couple have 6 children, and 2 of those children were swimming with them, and they also got caught in the dangerous riptide. None of the children died in this tragedy, only the two parents.

(3,608 posts)When you fight it pulls you under.
When you give up it lets you go.
(36,835 posts)... but I have visited beaches several times in Florida, California, Mexico, South Carolina and New York.
When the authorities post warning signs about riptides, I believe them and I stay the fuck away out of the water. Maybe it's a little different when you're in a boat, I don't know. But when all I can rely on is the strength in my arms and legs to keep me alive, well ... I know not to take stupid chances.
This is such a tragic story and I don't mean to judge this couple. They risked their own lives as well as their children's.
(90,322 posts)

(36,215 posts)A 10 year old boy recently died from being caught in a rip current at a beach in Conneaut OH off Lake Erie.
I cant imagine how terrifying it is to be caught in one.
My heart goes out to all these folks who lost loved ones.
(43,474 posts)TBF
(35,055 posts)when tropical storm Alberto was coming in. Folks need to check local forecasts when they are swimming in the ocean. Still a very sad story - 6 children left without parents
(7,080 posts)and then parallel to the beach until you are out of it. Then you swim back in to shore. There should be signs posted as to how to conduct yourself should you get caught in one. Also, just dont swim when the riptide warnings and posted. I have lost count of how many tourists have died in Florida from riptides, lightning and snake bites.
(36,835 posts)Tourists need some kind of briefing session before they should be allowed to take their kids to Florida.
It's not for beginners.
(7,080 posts)Tourists. How to survive your week in sunny Florida. lol
(36,835 posts)I think it's a great idea, at least for other DUers to get the benefit of your insights.
(7,080 posts)I will be laughing so hard just thinking of what I have witnessed in the last 36 years. Its a trip!