Related: About this forumOregon sees surge in unaffiliated voters now willing to pick a party
PORTLAND The hot presidential election is apparently motivating a lot of Oregon voters who would otherwise be shut out of the state's closed primary to take steps that will let them choose a presidential candidate.
Data from the Oregon Secretary of State shows roughly 20,500 voters this year have switched to one of the three parties that can select a presidential candidate in the May contest. That's nearly three times the number of voters who made a switch during the same timeframe in 2008, the last presidential election with contested primaries in both major parties.
Of this year's figure, about 16,670 registered as Democrats, 3,200 as Republicans and 700 as Independents.

fun n serious
(4,451 posts)in the Bernie Sanders Campaign
(22,000 posts)10 hides in a month.
fun n serious
(4,451 posts)do not like FACTS
He is in the TANK with KOCH too
http://www.rollcall.com/politics/sanders-unique-among-senate-democrats-opposing-export-import-bank/ http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/03/2016-election-defense-military-industry-contractors-donations-money-contributions-presidential-hillary-clinton-bernie-sanders-republican-ted-cruz-213783 http://www.sanders.senate.gov/newsroom/press-releases/sanders-votes-against-ex-im-bank
fun n serious
(4,451 posts)Bernie Sanders was the ONLY left person who Voted Against Ex-Im Bank. Very puzzling since this is not a vote any democrat would ever make. Well it is a vote that benefits the KOCH BROTHERS who in turn gave money to Sanders Campaign. http://www.rollcall.com/politics/sanders-unique-among-senate-democrats-opposing-export-import-bank/ http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/03/2016-election-defense-military-industry-contractors-donations-money-contributions-presidential-hillary-clinton-bernie-sanders-republican-ted-cruz-213783 http://www.sanders.senate.gov/newsroom/press-releases/sanders-votes-against-ex-im-bank
Also, the NRA.. Supporters excuses are weak. #VettBernie
(22,000 posts)Are you even from Oregon? This is a forum for Oregonians. If you are not, then go somewhere else.
fun n serious
(4,451 posts)Are you disputing my sources?
(687 posts)WASHINGTON, June 10 An opponent of the Export-Import Bank, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) issued the following statement today after the Senate voted on an amendment related to a five-year reauthorization of the bank:
At a time when almost every major corporation in this country has shut down plants and outsourced millions of American jobs, we should not be providing corporate welfare to multi-national corporations through the Export-Import Bank.
Instead of providing low-interest loans to multi-national companies that are shipping jobs to China and other low-wage countries, we should be investing in small businesses and worker-owned enterprises that want to create jobs in the United States of America. If the Export-Import Bank cannot be reformed to become a vehicle for real job creation in the United States, it should be eliminated.
Lucky Luciano
(11,589 posts)
Response to fun n serious (Reply #1)
Vilis Veritas This message was self-deleted by its author.
(45,319 posts)nt
fun n serious
(4,451 posts)I've been reading boards.. people are disaponted. Rightfully so. They are so angry at how they were fooled they are for the most part standing up against it too.
(5,214 posts)But
L. Coyote
(51,134 posts)Dustlawyer
(10,521 posts)of the personal and campaign money that she has been given! It must be hard for these Hillary supporters to come up with something real to attack Bernie on. They rely on low information voters to fall for it, something very rare on this site!
(2,227 posts)I also keep checking to make sure we are still registered, I just don't trust anything at this point.
Feeling the Bern