State GOP elects new leader to offend and embarrass everyone…
Back in September, Randy Brogdon stepped down as Chairman of the Oklahoma GOP after a controversial reign that included choosing a person with a history of domestic violence to serve as his chief lieutenant, and posting insulting memes on Facebook that compared providing food stamps to lower-income Oklahomans with feeding wild animals at national parks.
As a replacement, the state party had a couple of choices. One of them was State GOP Vice-Chair Estella Hernandez. She served as the interim chairman once Brogdon stepped down. As a naturalized immigrant from El Salvador, she gave Oklahoma Republicans the rare opportunity to show some diversity and defy the common stereotype that most of them are angry, white, women-hating racists.
The other option was Pam Pollard. She is the President of the Oklahoma Federation of Republican Women. She also probably sews her own clothes. Remember her? Weve written about Pam a few times. Just like Randy Brogdon, she likes to show her insanity on Facebook.
Anyway, the State GOP had a big meeting on Sunday to vote for their new chairman. Guess who won.