North Carolina
Related: About this forumI'm going to vote for Ken Spaulding.
I've been doing some research.
And I think Roy Cooper is too entrenched in economics and not enough in civil rights.
Ken Spaulding seems to have a great grip on things all around.
I mean, when McCrory was deciding on whether or not it should be legal for magistrates to opt out of performing gay marriage, Roy Cooper gave his opinion on why it would be a bad idea to allow them to opt out... What was his opinion?
It seems to me, that even when it concerned the civil rights of LGBT people, Roy Cooper's first reaction was, "Well how does it effect the economy???"
Plus, Progress Energy, Lorillard Tobacco and Pfizer make up some of Roy Cooper's top contributors.
These are just a few reasons I think I'm going to go with Spaulding.

(3,660 posts)seeing this post made me wonder. I didn't want to just take the word of another DU'er without looking things up - and honestly I especially didn't want to consider someone that a Hillary supporter was recommending without significant due dilligence. So, I looked at your journal and since you're a Bernie supporter I can now say I strongly lean toward Ken Spaulding (full support pending my own research).
Sorry Hillary supporters, but your opinions on candidates are highly suspect to me given that you support her.
I have to say that Bernie is the first one to inspire me to get into politics. And because of Bernie, I will forever check people's voting records and who their top contributors are.
And from what I could find, I really couldn't vote for Roy Cooper.
Here's some more non progressive crap I found out about him...
Here's the contributors list:
And here's the Political Courage Test he took for
Take note his answers to the following questions:
d) Do you believe that North Carolina government should recognize same-sex marriages? - NO
e) Do you believe that North Carolina government should add sexual orientation to the state's anti-discrimination laws? - NO