A puzzling purchase: Sold college campus remains virtually untouched
NASHUA Several months after a Chinese investor bought the Daniel Webster College campus for close to $12 million, there are no signs of any development at the property, though there are indications the owners want to operate a college.
While the property sits vacant and overgrown, city officials are concerned about the direction of the development.
Not a lot is happening over there, much to the citys frustration, said Tim Cummings, Nashuas economic development director.
Daniel Webster, a former aviation school, was sold through a bankruptcy auction in October as part of the ITT Technical Institute liquidation process. ITT bought Daniel Webster in 2009. The new purchaser, Sui Liu, and his attorney, David Lu, of Virginia, have both declined to comment on the plans for the property.
Read more: http://www.nashuatelegraph.com/news/local-news/2018/07/17/a-puzzling-purchase-sold-college-campus-remains-virtually-untouched/

Staff photo by DAmien FIsher The entrance to the campus of the now-defunct Daniel Webster College. Several months ago, a Chinese investor purchased the property, however, the acquired propertys purpose remains a mystery.