New Hampshire
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This message was self-deleted by its author (Tesha) on Sat Dec 1, 2012, 08:02 PM. When the original post in a discussion thread is self-deleted, the entire discussion thread is automatically locked so new replies cannot be posted.

(14,177 posts)Do they learn nothing from their neighbors???
(10,230 posts)These chumps have always been around, but they have reached a critical mass of the stupid.
(45,806 posts)Somehow it doesn'[t sound like it would pass the sniff test.
(4,982 posts)atreides1
(16,563 posts)That this bill is a way to get around the federal law that anyone convicted of domestic violence cannot own a gun.
Not sure if this is true, but when you look at the law being introduced you have to wonder why would anyone even consider a bill like this?
(6,086 posts)This shit would NEVER REACH lawmaking level. We protect people here and it doesn't require eyewitness or a warrant. Once the cops are called regarding domestic abuse situation, it's out of your hands. The state takes over.
(10,230 posts)The Police Chief's Ass'n has been shutting down all kinds of crazy bills 'round here. We've had proposals to allow open carry IN THE STATE HOUSE.
(10,230 posts)The sad result, as explained at the link above:
Take New Hampshire, which in some populist conceit has decided that every dozen residents need their own severely under-resourced and under-paid state legislator, who will somehow remain "close to the people." Of course, the natural conclusion of "citizen legislatures" isn't home-spun wisdom and incorruptibility, insomuch as a bunch of part-time real-estate agents throwing monkey feces at a wall and calling the result a "House Bill."
Response to Tesha (Original post)
Tesha This message was self-deleted by its author.
(31,046 posts)The old-time New Hampshire Republicans look like liberals nowadays compared to the uber RWers who have invaded our state.
(31,046 posts)They keep outdoing themselves.
I thought I had heard the worst of it with the proposal that guns be allowed on college campuses here in N.H. That one is still floating around in the process, I believe.