Conservation and sportsmen groups, a coalition of tribes and some Northwest Montana businesses are ramping up pressure on Gov. Steve Bullock to demand that regulatory agencies in British Columbia follow international standards before approving new coal mines that could jeopardize downstream waters.
The advertising campaign echoes the concerns of conservation groups and scientists on both sides of the border who have called on
Teck Resources to halt new coal mines in the Elk River Valley, where mining pollutants including selenium have been spilling from waste rock and crossing the international border into
Lake Koocanusa.
Selenium is a naturally occurring element in sedimentary rocks and coal and can be toxic to fish at elevated levels, which are exacerbated by mining operations and the accumulation of waste rock, according to guidelines by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
Meanwhile, the mining operations continue, even as scientists and researchers from a multitude of agencies work to develop a site-specific plan for protecting Lake Koocanusa, where they continue to monitor the influx of selenium leaching out of the upstream coal mines.